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Reverend King legacy honored (in public schools. Would the same ceremony be banned at Christmas?)
NY Daily News ^ | 1/18/05 | BILL HUTCHINSON

Posted on 01/18/2005 4:24:23 PM PST by Libloather

King legacy honored
Pols, schools evoke dream

Manhattan Country School on E. 96th St. sponsors march from school to Central Park yesterday in observance of Martin Luther King Day.

With soulful songs and stirring speeches, New Yorkers of all colors remembered the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. yesterday.

Gov. Pataki paused to praise the civil rights leader for his courageous fight against injustice that was cut short by an assassin's bullet.

"Thank God for the memory, for the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.," Pataki said at a ceremony in Albany, where a Bronx children's choir performed. "We're lesser men than Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. But let us each day strive, embrace that dream, try to get to the mountaintop together, try to see the Promised Land together."

At Martin Luther King Jr. High School in Manhattan, about 150 students from across the city honored King by writing cards to the elderly and knitting baby blankets. "This is a day off from school and you made it a special day," Schools Chancellor Joel Klein told the students.

Klein also joined Mayor Bloomberg at Jackie Robinson High School in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, for an annual community service drive. About 500 volunteers showed up at the event, sponsored by City Year, to paint classrooms and put together humanitarian aid packages to Haiti. "Through service and working side by side with people who are different from you ... that's breaking down the social barriers that we have," said Laura Hamm of City Year.

At the Brooklyn Academy of Music, Sens. Hillary Clinton and Charles Schumer spoke of King's work to bring about equality for all people, regardless of color. Also at the event, R&B singer Melba Moore moved the crowd with an emotional rendition of "Lift Every Voice."

Earlier, at a City Hall ceremony, Bloomberg honored Carolyn Goodman, the mother of New Yorker Andrew Goodman, one of three civil rights workers murdered in Mississippi in 1964. Just last week, former reputed Klansman Edgar Ray Killen, 79, was charged with the murders.

"It was a crime that produced an enormous amount of pain for the family, but for this country it was one of the defining moments of our history because out of that terrible event came the Civil Rights Act of 1964," Bloomberg said.

Originally published on January 18, 2005

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Extended News; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: banned; ceremony; christmas; honored; king; legacy; public; reverend; same; schools; would
With soulful songs and stirring speeches, New Yorkers of all colors remembered...

...his courageous fight against injustice that was cut short...

"Thank God for the memory, for the life of..."

"We're lesser men than..."

"But let us each day strive, embrace that dream, try to get to the mountaintop together, try to see the Promised Land together."

"Through service and working side by side with people who are different from you ... that's breaking down the social barriers that we have,"

Sens. Hillary Clinton and Charles Schumer spoke of (his) work to bring about equality for all people, regardless of color.

"It was a crime that produced an enormous amount of pain for the family, but for this country it was one of the defining moments of our history because out of that terrible event..."

Sounds kinda like Christmas to me...

1 posted on 01/18/2005 4:24:40 PM PST by Libloather
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Comment #2 Removed by Moderator

To: Libloather

The progress King hoped for, Jesse Jackson has set back by at least a generation

3 posted on 01/18/2005 4:44:04 PM PST by digger48
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To: Pookyhead

I've been called worse. I suggested on a sports chat line that Lovie Smith's hiring to the Bears last off-season was a minority hiring, in my opinion. Man did I get lamblasted. Racist I think was the kindest thing I was called.

4 posted on 01/18/2005 5:39:10 PM PST by pctech
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To: Libloather

I thank God that King was a reverend and spoke of God and Christ. It makes ALL his words fair game....and Leftist God-haters can't say a thing about it without being nailed as "racists."

5 posted on 01/18/2005 5:46:01 PM PST by anniegetyourgun
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To: Libloather

The REAL truth about Martin Luther King Jr.

The following link is to a website by a devout Christian Black what she has to say about about MLK.

Was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. a Christian?

Here are the FBI files about the communist training school in Tennessee that MLK attended.

FBI - Freedom of Information Act - Highlander Folk School

Here are some more links.

Martin Luther King Jr. - A Historical Examination: The REAL truth about Martin Luther King Jr.


Martin Luther" King, Jr. -- Communist Fraud


6 posted on 01/18/2005 5:54:21 PM PST by NWO Slave
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Comment #7 Removed by Moderator

To: Pookyhead
Isn't it amazing.

Bill Cosby calls for blacks to "get over it" and he gets called a racist.

We point out Jesse Jackson's hypocritcal behavior and we get called racist.

We try and point out the truth about MLK we called racist.

Amazing how pointing out the truth gets you branded with a title like racist. I guess Jesus would be called a racist too???

8 posted on 01/20/2005 1:59:05 PM PST by pctech
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