To: PresbyRev
I have spent plenty of time myself with folks in the hospital prior to surgery, in recovery, by the death-bed.
I don't claim to heal folks whether with my minty fresh breath, my sport coat or a bottle of vegetable oil.
As for children's hospitals - I am a Shriner and try to do my part toward raising money for research and treatment for children suffering from burns, skeletal defects, etc.
But do you lay your hands on the sick and see them made well as Jesus instructed? If not why not? If you care to answer, which you do not have to. I am curious - are you a Christian? I figure non Christians will mostly be critical of all Christian leaders.
Shriners you say, well with their mystic masons background ...oh boy I could write volumes. I know alot maybe most of them are just secluar doing some good but the religious aspects to shriners and their anti-Christian history, the red hats alone symbolize the blood of the saints.
I realize I may take a few blasts here for my words about shriners from those who don't know and see them as basically a charity, but they are more of a cult and since you a shriner are criticizing Hinn...well people in glass houses.
To: free_life
Your claim regarding the Shriners is baseless and a repetition of a religious 'urban legend.'
The Shriners work tirelessly for their children's hospitals that show real results in alleviating suffering, healing defects, ameliorating pain and disability in so far as is possible.
Just tonight at the local Shrine meeting prayer was made in the name of Jesus Christ. It is his example and teaching that motivates most Shriners I know.
To: free_life
I am curious - are you a Christian? I figure non Christians will mostly be critical of all Christian leaders.
Yes, I am a Christian. As a Christian, I am called upon to judge righteous judgment - that is discernment rooted in God's Law-Word. I am called to test the spirits. Judged by Scripture - Hinn's own fabrications; false prophecies; failure to produce healing of organic maladies, etc. -- all require me to judge him a false prophet, a wolf in sheep's clothing and an heretic. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson