To: free_life
Your claim regarding the Shriners is baseless and a repetition of a religious 'urban legend.'
The Shriners work tirelessly for their children's hospitals that show real results in alleviating suffering, healing defects, ameliorating pain and disability in so far as is possible.
Just tonight at the local Shrine meeting prayer was made in the name of Jesus Christ. It is his example and teaching that motivates most Shriners I know.
To: PresbyRev
Your claim regarding the Shriners is baseless and a repetition of a religious 'urban legend.'
No it is not a urban legend. I suggest you put half the research into the history of the shriners and the religion that is behind them. It ain't pretty.
The Shriners work tirelessly for their children's hospitals that show real results in alleviating suffering, healing defects, ameliorating pain and disability in so far as is possible.
Just tonight at the local Shrine meeting prayer was made in the name of Jesus Christ. It is his example and teaching that motivates most Shriners I know.
Neither one of your last two statements make them Christian. Do you want to know the truth? Hinn I am not sure about but the shriners I am sure about and it is a cult. I know much about the inner workings of their cult. Get informed, for if you are a Christian you are playing with darkness. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson