What the hell is "depth psycology"?!
Yet another phony degree invented by loony-left academia.
Just looked it up, and it appears to be a combo of whacko "Jungian" western psychology and Buddhist meditation.
Historically, depth psychology, from a German term (Tiefenpsychologie) coined by Eugen Bleuler, has come to refer to the ongoing development of theories and therapies pioneered by C. G. Jung, Sigmund Freud, and Alfred Adler
I can't make any sense of it, but here is a link.
It's what the aliens practiced on Cartman in South Park.
Pacifica Graduate Institute's Doctoral program in Depth Psychology has as its mission to re-animate the radical origins and intentions of depth psychology. The insights of the unconscious, the trasnsferential field, and the symptom, as well as the experience of dream and the imaginal, are extended within and beyond the consulting room and applied to an investigation of culture and history. Our work aims to recover what has been forgotten and marginalized by the heroic, individualistic ego, and to develop a capacity to host image and psyche. These endeavors allow us to apprehend the immanency of psyche in nature and to attend to the interdependent nature of being.
Students who come to the study of Depth Psychology with a desire to focus their work in a particular areabe it intensive theoretical study, liberation psychologies, or a deepening of clinical workwill find strong support for that work. The Depth Psychology Program is a full doctoral program that intergrates the M.A. degree with the Doctoral sequence in three areas of study.
The Master of Arts degree is awarded upon the successful completion of the first two years curriculum, the passing of the written comprehensive examination, and acceptance by the faculty of a scholarly and publishable paper. The third year completes curriculum necessary to become a candidate for the Ph.D. degree, which also requires the passing of an oral comprehensive exam. The fourth and fifth years of study focus on dissertation writing and research.
What is Depth Psychology?
Depth psychology is a term used to describe any psychological approach which explores the hidden or deeper parts of human experience. It is a broad term, so it can include approaches which look at interpersonal dynamics and the development of patterns of behavior.
Depth psychology also refers to psychology rooted in the work of C. G. Jung, a 20th century Swiss psychiatrist. Jung developed a broad theory of how the psyche functions, how the individual develops, and how the personality is developed. His theory is grounded in an archetypal approach, which posits that all experience stems from collective patterns which inform experience. Jung's work has been extended by contemporary practitioners and thinkers; it is quite alive.
Many people find that Jungian psychology coherently explains life experiences, that it offers a path for individuationthat is, for developing uniquely into who one is, in essenceand that it offers room for the mystery and creativity of life. Jungian psychology includes the experience of the sacred, of mystery, and of the ineffable. It is an approach that is at home with myth and symbol, with the religious and spiritual traditions of the world, with anthropology and archeology, with art, poetry, and literature.
Depth psychology is a broad term. You may also see the more specific terms Jungian psychology, analyticpsychology, and archetypal psychology. All of these traditions share in the stream of Jung's work.
Who the hell is "Cliff Bostock" for that matter?!!
"What the hell is "depth psycology"?!"
Pseudo psychology.