1961.. They only wanted to register handguns. Long guns would not be affected. And a ban on five shot bolt action army surplus rifles as they cut into the profits of American gun makers.
1964...They wanted to register ALL guns and ban 5 shot army surplus rifles and "saturday night specials, "The choice of criminals".
1968..The gun control act of 1968 passed baning the importation of army surplus weapons and small handguns.
1971..They wanted to ban ONLY saturday night specials". Good handguns would not be affected.
1976..They only wanted to ban ALL handguns. Rifles and shotguns would not be affected.
1981..They wanted to ban All handguns. Rifles would not be affected!
The day after Reagan was shot Lee Grant was on Good Morning America and demanded...."The NRA is a rifle organization. They should give up their handguns and can keep their rifles! (Note:America was awash in so-called assault riles at the time.)
1988...Demands for the ban on assault rifles!
1994 ..Assault rifles banned for ten years..
They lied to us in 1961.
They lied to us in '64.
They lied to us in '68.
They lied to us in '71, 76, and 81.
And they are lieing to you now!