He a Chicago conservative shock jock. He has a bit on Fox and Friends almost every morning. I think he's funny.
He is 'shock' but much cleaner than Howard. He is also ten times funnier.
I used to listen to him when I was in Illinois. I love Mancow. I haven't heard him since I moved to Southern Indiana. I do see him on Fox and Friends. Just makes me miss his show more. BTW, I just found out today that we will finally be getting Laura Ingrams radio show, and I am excited about it. Liddy went to Air America. :(
Mancow is the best. I love him!
I've watched some of his bits and I swear he lurks on FR. Just judging by some of the things he talks about and they way he phrases things...it has a familiar flavor to it.
Mancow is NOT conservative. He's more libertarian (small 'l') than anything else, although he's also a very strong supporter of the WOT and President Bush. Sort of like Neal Boortz. Well, he does have some conservative views.
He used to be on the air in KC, but got kicked off... In fact he's from a KC suburb, Raytown, which I think explains alot about him! lol