If I'm so dense, then please enlighten me as to these "ID" cults running around. Who is their "Jim Jones"? This is the most laughable accusation against Creationists or "ID" believers I've ever heard. Of course if you demonize people, it's easy to dismiss what they say out of hand. I guess all evolutionists are "in the same vein" as Stalin, who was a communist athiest and obviously didn't believe in Creation.
The discovery institute started this mess with "creation science" 25 years ago. Many of the same professional creationists are still at the old game, simply shifting their semantics to "ID" and abandoning the 6000 year old earth nonsense because they couldn't sell it anymore.
Sometime soon, I predict they will abandon their attack on "macro" evolution too, and simply say that science has things about right, just that God had his fingers in the game. But gullible Christians will still send them money.