Posted on 01/10/2005 11:02:33 AM PST by inquest
The Bush administration hopes to start moving the Central American Free Trade Agreement through Congress quickly this year, before lawmakers turn their focus to Social Security legislation.
CAFTA, an ambitious trade pact with six Latin American nations, is shaping up as the most contentious trade measure on Capitol Hill since President Bush won trade promotion authority in summer 2002 by a single vote.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Translation: Hurry up and get it passed before there actually starts to be a public debate on it! Can't be having the peasants pass judgment on something like this.
I find it fascinating that the President wasn't pushing hard for this before the election.
Right, because nafta has proven to be such a huge success.
This is disgusting.
ya oughta check out the FTAA ..
Is that another "giant sucking sound" I hear?
I agree.
"Free trade" is beneficial to a nation when all players operate on an equal playing field.
This will result in MORE jobs being lost and MORE American money flowing into foreign coffers.
Soon the U.S.' sole manufactured export will be Hollywood porn.
Bush is as wrong on this as on immigration. I think he has forgotten who put him in office for a second term.
So nobody here thinks that, if a few more jobs existed in Central America, some of the millions of illegals might decide to stay home and work?
I mean, they can't be both here AND there, can they?
More of the same from the party that brought you NAFTA and is building Communist China into a super state. Thanks alot GOP, keep up the good work.
Once again the American worker should get ready for a royal shafting.
The Bush Administration remains committed to its goal of establishing a global, corporate plutocracy to the detriment of the American Middle Class.
More of the same from the party that brought you NAFTA and is building Communist China into a super state.
Clinton and the Dems...remember who signed NAFTA!
Truth hurts.
Clinton sucked, but yall really need to stop blaming him for everything. The lack of accountability makes it very hard to reward good deeds and punish bad deeds. We can not give the GOP a pass everytime it screws up, nor should we always blame the democrats for GOP mistakes.
You are right - King Bush and most of the GOP treat conservatives as second class citizens for opposing them. Bush is an eletist plain and simple - he could care less what the majority wants regarding illegal immigration, etc. damm it corporations are getting cheap labor who cares if the middle class has to put up with worsening hospitals, failing schools, increased crime and taxes. Note to Bush - I voted for you because you were the lesser of two evils not because you care a damn about principles.
How abouta lil reality?
Reagan put his Caribbean Initiative in place in 1984. The advantage to those countries was eclipsed by NAFTA. CAFTA puts those countries back equal to Mexico
It was the Reagan Whitehouse that wrote the investor protections that would later become known as Chapter 11 of NAFTA.
King Reagan?
Yup. Don't let those peasants start milling around with the pitchforks. They just might act in their self-interest. Don't they know we ALL benefit from the firings of Americans? Must be time for another Blue Light Special.
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