The base deserves special consideration, and much or most of the base -- I certainly never said all of it -- is seriously offended by Hollywood decadence. No doubt some of Bush's values -- e.g., patriotism -- have even wider popular appeal than public morality does. But that doesn't justify dismissing any claim to public morality's role in shaping an event as important as this second inauguration, which so many of us worked so hard to achieve.
The base deserves special consideration
That sounds dangerously close to "special treatment" my friend. It's also a long way from a veto, which is also not warranted.
Also, I'm quite sure that many folks with less than sterling values probably worked just as hard to re-elect the president as y'all did. But I guess that doesn't count unless you have the "right" morals.
Please understand that I am not trashing you, but you also need to understand that you are not better.