Posted on 01/06/2005 8:32:39 AM PST by DBeers
Petition drive seeks to limit sex education
Contra Costa Times
WALNUT CREEK - The same man who led the drive to put Gov. Gray Davis' recall on the state ballot in 2003 now has received state approval to circulate petitions for a proposition to severely restrict sex education in public schools.
The petition language released Wednesday by Secretary of State Kevin Shelley's office and written by Attorney General Bill Lockyer's staff is straightforward, calling for a ban on sex ed in kindergarten through sixth grade and for daily parental permission slips for older students.
But the actual initiative Tony Andrade is promoting implies that schools are teaching bestiality, pedophilia and necrophilia alongside discussions of homosexuality and domestic partnerships by listing them all together as topics that will require parental permission.
"None of this is normally taught in schools," said Sandra Jackson, spokeswoman for the California Teachers Association. "I think teachers would probably be appalled to find it even suggested that it would be taught. It's not part of any curriculum."
This is not Andrade's first effort to restrict sex education in public schools. Together with the Traditional Values Coalition, Save California and similar organizations, Andrade gathered 100,000 signatures for a similar initiative last fall before a legal challenge derailed the effort.
He launched the new petition drive Tuesday, after minimal changes to the initiative's wording.
If the initiative passes it could restrict not just health education, but high school history and social studies classes too -- forcing parents to give daily, written permission before their children could even discuss last winter's gay marriages, Catholic church scandals and potentially other current events.
The ballot initiative bans elementary school sexual health lessons, which in most districts cover menstruation and other body changes caused by puberty. And it restricts health instruction -- including lectures, counseling, questions, books and posters on the wall -- for older students unless they have specific written parental permission. The only exception would be for individual students who request confidential counseling from a school psychologist or police officer.
California law already requires parent notification at least 14 days prior to any sexual health lesson, offers previews of all instructional materials and allows parents to withdraw their kids from sex ed with a written note.
Andrade's initiative, which he calls "Civil Rights for Families," would reduce notification time to 10 to 15 days, and require separate written permission from parents for each day of the lesson.
He said his aim is for schools not to promote homosexuality and deviant sexual behavior.
"This is sex, not sex education," said Andrade, who said he was inspired by his fear that homosexuals are using high schools as a recruiting ground.
homosexual agenda pre ping.
Well, Sandy, homosexuality wasn't normally taught in schools about 50 years ago and teachers would probably have been appalled to find it even suggested that it would be taught. But now it is taught and the groundwork was laid 50 years ago when only academics were talking about homosexuality.
Today academics are talking about bestiality and pedophilia. What's to stop those from entering daily life and education in the future? The Bible? I don't think so.
Ether sexual perversions exist or there are no such things. You can't pick and choose among them.
It is indoctrination, not education. Once you let them get away with calling it "education" you set yourself up as opponents of "information." Give examples (I'm sure there are plenty) and call it what it is.
"This is sex, not sex education," said Andrade, who said he was inspired by his fear that homosexuals are using high schools as a recruiting ground.
If you want on/off the list let me know.
Good for him! We need more courageous individuals to initiate similar challenges, especially in the state of Massachusetts.
Catholic Ping - please freepmail me if you want on/off this list
He is absolutely right!
All parents, regardless of where they live, should check with their local middle and high schools, regarding the annual DAY OF SILENCE. Founded in 1996, the Day of Silence has become the largest single student-led action towards creating safer schools for all, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. From the first-ever Day of Silence at the University of Virginia in 1996, to the organizing efforts in over 1,900 middle schools, high schools, colleges and universities across the country in 2002, its textured history reflects its diversity in both numbers and reach.
In 2002, Representative Eliot Engel introduced the first ever resolution on the Day of Silence in Congress, which received support of 29 co-signers; additionally, Governor Gray Davis of California issued an official proclamation making April 10, 2002 the National Day of Silence. Local Day of Silence organizing efforts appear in over fifty media stories across the country, including USA Today, MSNBC, CNN, Voice of America and a live broadcast on NPR. Breaking the Silence rallies are organized with tremendous success in Albany, NY, Kalamazoo, MI, Missoula, MT, Ft. Lauderdale & Sarasota, FL, Eugene, OR, Boulder, CO and Washington DC, among other places.
Learn more at this link:
I don't understand why so many schools devote so much time to sex ed. All that was done when I was in school was a brief (4-session) unit on adolescence and puberty in 5th grade. It was not co-ed; the girls were taught by the school nurse and the boys by the principal and the phys ed teacher. Nothing that my mother hadn't already told me about...
That was it until 11th grade, when the required Health class included an 8-session unit on STDs, birth control, and the reproductive systems. Abstinence was promoted as being ideal and the only 100% method, but we were adequately familiarized with other methods or birth control. The rest of the semester (2 classes per week) was taken up by drug and alcohol ed and exercise/nutrition.
I graduated in '99, so it wasn't like this was decades ago. To boot, this was a public high school in a liberal city in a blue state!
Better than nothing. Meanwhile, young girls can get abortions without parental knowledge/consent. CALIFORNIA STINKS any way you look at it.
So, does anyone know the web site that we can go to in order to get more info about this petition (like how to sign one, for example)?? I noticed that this MSM news article conveniently forgot to mention that information. Funny, when it is a liberal cause, they always seem to find an excuse to work the URL for the website into the article, but not for Conservative causes. Coincidence?? You decide!!
Talk about driving a stake through the heart of the homosexual agenda. No wonder the gay lobby is upset. We're not talking about birds n bees stuff here but rather about attempts to promote pro-gay friendly values in the public schools under the cover of "sex education." That's why gays and the Left want to keep parents ignorant of what's going on in the classroom. And its time to put a stop to these covert activities of theirs once and for all.
-get a copy of SA2004RF0033(PDF) - Restrictions on Sex-Related Instruction.
from Active Measures - Initiative Measures - California Dept. of Justice - Office of the Attorney General
-further info from California Secretary of State - Elections & Voter Information - Initiative Update
Public Schools. Restrictions on Sex-Related Instruction. Initiative Statute.
Summary Date: 01/04/05 Circulation Deadline: 06/03/05 Signatures Required: 373,816Proponent: Tony Andrade (916) 230-2123
Prohibits public elementary school instruction on specified sex-related subjects. Requires daily advance written parental notification and approval for every day of such instruction in grades 7 through 12. Exceptions for students 18 years of age, for federally approved disease-prevention instruction and student requests for confidential counseling with school psychologist or peace officer. Specifies content and format of notice, including parents' rights, description of information to be taught and materials or sources to be used. Provides school district liability of $5,000 per violation plus attorney's fees and court costs. Summary of estimate by the Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local governments: Additional costs to school districts from parent notification regarding sex education topics, potentially in the low millions of dollars annually.
Thank you for your interests in this initiative. It is nice to hear from like minded people. We have been under attack since day one of this project. Please visit our site and/or download the petition at
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why don't they go back to teachin' readin', writin', and calculus,
and send the kids home with the sex education on a dvd or cd?
they could masturbate at home in privacy.
and use the skool time for serious education.
don't understand why so many schools devote so much time to sex ed.
Because the GLADSN or whatever they call themselves, together with the ACLU force school districts to conduct these subject under the guise of tolerance.
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