This Administration suffers from a form of tunnel vision, which is extremely dangerous. More and more, they seem unable to assess their apparent priorities in terms of the dynamic interaction of factors. With China racing to catch up with us within 20 years, we need to send a clear message that while we seek peace, we intend to remain heavily armed. If these about to be cancelled planes were seen as necessary a year ago, the only thing which has changed, so far as I can see, is that the Administration has made one outrageous spending commitment, after another, and is beginning to panic in the face of a collapsing dollar.
If we simply got back to Constitutional premises; which would mean no foreign aid but that which is clearly in our interest; no federal role in civilian health or education; and putting our interests first, in general; the deficit would be eliminated, without cutting defense procurement. Why, just to introduce another factor, do we not require the Iraqi's to finance their own rebuilding, by pledging oil futures to a banking consortium? Is that too Capitalistic for this "conservative" Administration?
William Flax Return Of The Gods Web Site
I don't have any financial interests in either company, however I agree with your arguments. I sometimes get the feeling that this administration goes for short term "warm fuzzies", without looking at longterm threats. The PRC is our sworn enemy, as is N. Korea. We are hated by most of the Islamic world. Democracy has not overwhelmed the former USSR. Our true allies are few. Seems like bad timing. Not as bad, nor as treasonous as Clinton, but shortsighted, nonetheless.
I used to work for Lockheed, too, and am stuck with a bunch of their stock in my 401(k). What did it lose in the last two weeks, 30% or so? Sheesh...