I didn't say it would make those problems go away, Mr. Straw Man Argument, I said it would stop the killing. Maybe not 100% of the killing, but probably 95% of the killing. Please re-read my post. Most of the killings have to do with dealing, not with addicts trying to get money. As it is now with the prohibition, you have the moms selling their food stamps for crack, parents pimping their daughters for drug money, AND murderous gang violence killing many people each year. Do you want to stop none of these things by keeping things the way they are, or do you want to make a dent at all? (And, I'll just mention some fo the collateral damage to innocents on the War On (some) Drugs: wrong-address no-knock raids, innocent people shot in their own beds, testilying, asset forfeiture of people's legitimately earned life savings, the militarization of our police forces, escalation of the War On Guns, violent criminals released from prison to make room for mandatory minimum non-violent drug offenders, intrusive banking laws... it goes on and on.) Insanity is continuing to do the same thing and expecting a different result.
Ride with a drug enforcement cop. I've worked with youth on drugs. And nothing infuriates me more than some ignorant ass of a fool who thinks legalizing it is a good idea. These things are poison. They destroy the soul. They turn people into mindless animals, willing to do anything for that next hit, even kill.
If you think legalizing drugs will stop the killing by dealers, then you are the biggest fool of all. Dealers don't kill because drugs are illegal, they kill to eliminate competition in the market.