Thank you A4O for the ping on the Philly explosion. I was mia for a week after the Dec 28th treatment, then just putting away Christmas decorations and getting the house in order before the next one on the 18th. weren't near the Chicago Mall explosion, were you? Any chance these are related? I heard something on the 11:00 pm local cbs news about fumes in the Frankford section of Philly.
Peach, are you and your family and neighbors back to normal yet?
Too many explosions...coincidences? Please, everyone, stay safe.
Things are returning to normal in Graniteville for the majority of people. Lots of odd stuff going on, that's for sure.
Idaho is hub of meth deals - 90% of it coming from Mexico
Fox TV buckling to CAIR demands on 24
dear friend, nowhere near this barge, thanks sweetie ;)