Target has a perfect right to decide this issue as they have. Accordingly, People have a right to reflect on target's decision and then decide whether or not they want to shop there.Its really very simple.
I hope they loose a bundle on this. Alternately, I have no hard feelings for those people who do shop there.....Its America, Darling.
I also have no hard feelings toward the idiotic, toad-licking, bug-eating, car-chasing, sodomite supporters who shop at Target.
It certainly is, and I honor people's right to decide as they have. The key word here is "reflect", as opposed to "reflex". Posts on this thread have stated to the effect "I'm not shopping at Target because they don't support the troops" or "I'm not shopping at Target because the support the homosexual agenda". They're basing their reaction on reflex, not on reflection.
What kind of person would I be (biases and everything) if I allowed that which I know to be false to stand as truth-- especially when it adversely affects a company I actually admire (faults and all)? Yes, it eventually hits my bottom line, I suppose-- but that's not why I'm defending Target; I can see the agenda at work here (meaning the threatening organizations) and I can see Target's dilemma, and I can see perceive what are the consequences of those sets of actions, intended and otherwise.