It's not just you. It's all who think like you. Who think a woman does not belong on the front lines. It isn't personal.
Why single out...'but not for ground combat'. Why should she be denied because some men have a problem with the potential of having women on the front lines.
I don't see a problem here...This will sound nasty to some people but others have brought up the 'hygiene' part of a woman being on the front lines or getting preganent. There is a shot that women can get called, 'Depo provera', that will stop all monthlies and pregnancy is extremely unlikely.
Lower standards? Your kidding right? By having women in the front lines that is lowering the military? How can you say that, it hasn't been tried yet.
Detriment? Let me process that for a second....finished. How could it possibly be a detriment for a skilled combat soldier to do their job with bravery, dignity and honor? Be it man or woman.
I'm a housewife, I know what my duties are. My hubby is the bread winner he knows what his duties are.
Not all men are, dare I say it? yep. I will. Chauvinazis. Being a little chauvinist, and a little feminist isn't a bad thing altogether. It's when the lines are crossed and one sex forbids another sex from try to reach their ultimate possibilities. I firmly believe that women who prove themselves should be given the opportunity to do so.
If I was being subtle, let me assure you I didn't know I was doing it. That's not my style. But it's nice to hear that I am capable of being subtle.
I'm sorry if I offended you with my "SUBILITIES". It was not meant to offend, only to inspire debate....
Those goggles look silly on your head like that. Take them off. I'll throw my rolled up paper in the trash.
Most women in the military also think women don't belong in close combat. I used to have a link to the survey in more detail, but I can't find it, so this will have to do. From CMR
"The Army Research Institute (ARI), in a series of surveys since 1993, also found that most military women want nothing to do with combat assignments. In 2001, for example, Question #60 in the ARI Sample Survey of Military Personnel asked military people whether women should be assigned to direct ground combat (DGC), which was defined as engaging an enemy on the ground with individual or crew-served weapons, while being exposed to hostile fire and to a high probability of direct physical contact with the hostile forces personnel. [2] ......ARI asked whether current policy should be changed so that females can also be involuntarily assigned [to combat units] [3] The results, which should have given the Army pause, indicated that only one-tenth of enlisted women (10%) wanted the Army to force female soldiers into combat units" more here
The question then becomes...Why are you arguing for a policy that most military women don't agree with....are you attempting to speak for the advance of feminism for the sake of feminism?