This reminds me of a poll taken years ago that asked people what they thought of
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Large numbers said it was way to radical.
After the next terrorist attack the poll will find 90 plus percent approve..
Is this the same Muslim American Society that Hillary claimed was really Museum American Society, in order to keep their campaign contributions?
I;m for rounding up all muslims living in the United States and holding them in a dentention center until they can be repatriated to the camel land of their choice.
----The executive director of the Muslim American Society says the news is disturbing, but not surprising.---- ____________________________________________________________
American Muslim Council Founder Heads to Jail
(August 5, 2004)
But the one-time high-flyer last week signed a plea agreement with the American government admitting his multiple crimes in return for a reduced sentence. His confession makes for startling reading.
The Alamoudi story points to the urgent need that the FBI, White House, Congress, State Department, Pentagon, and Homeland Security -- as well as other institutions, public and private, throughout the West -- not continue guilelessly to assume that smooth-talking Islamists are free of criminal, extremist, or terrorist ties. Or, as I put it in late 2001: "Individual Islamists may appear law-abiding and reasonable, but they are part of a totalitarian movement, and as such, all must be considered potential killers."
At the Council on American-Islamic Relations, five staffers and board members have been accused or convicted of terrorism-related charges and the same has happened with leaders of the Islamic Center of Greater Cleveland, Holy Land Foundation, Benevolence International Foundation, and the National Coalition to Protect Political Freedom.
Militant Islam is the enemy; even its slickest adherents need to be viewed as such.
Also no Muslims or Mosques for Muslims from Muslim countries that persecute and do not allow other religions.
That would cut down on the population of Muslims and mosques that are storehouses for weapons in this country.
Turnabout is fair play. Tolerance should go both ways.
Headline notwithstamding, I see nothing in the results favoring reducing rights. WE ALL were were required to register where we live during recent census, and NO group is immune to "infiltration" (it happens to Catholic groups all the time).
I don't support oppressing moozlim-hyphenated-whatevers on the basis of their religion, but I DO support openly suggesting doing so, in the interest of making the aforementioned moozelims and (more importantly) the "Progressives" howl with indignation... it's music to my ears...