Posted on 12/14/2004 12:41:14 PM PST by nanak
The LAPD is operating under a federal consent decree that has greatly diminished their ablility to be pro-active. Consider that, the huge number of "slick-sleeves" (ie, rookie officers), opportunists like Steven Yagman, and the extraordinary level of violence that is being directed against the police, and you don't have a formula for effective law enforcement.
I advocate physical castration as penalty for gang membership. They'll be stigmatized and treated as pariahs in their own machismo-infested communities (or zoos, for lack of a better term).
>El Salvador followed suit with its own version of what has become known as the Mano Dura, or "firm hand" law, which allows police to detain any young man with a gang tattoo. Mexico's southernmost state of Chiapas moved in that direction in May, approving five-year prison sentences for simply belonging to a gang.<
So you're contending that the Founding Fathers didn't intend for the Executive branch to inforce the laws on the books?
Once again you display an amazing lack of thinking ability.
Your town is next.
And if Churchill and FDR had prevented the commander from fighting the way he knew he needed to fight, if they had forced him to sit still while Germans flooded through his lines, if they had ordered him to feed the German soldiers in the same way he was feeding his own men, I'd say that he had a point in blaming them instead of HItler for the mess he was in.
4 X 4 pickups don't even notice them.
Blame America --- hispanic countries send us their riff-raff and gang-bangers --- and somehow we're exporting crime by sending them back where they belong? Mr Valdez ---- what we've done is a really great job of importing the gang culture from all over the world.
Now it's our fault they're gang banging lops of cr@p. We're exporting gang culture by sending their gang bangers home?
Right. This is getting beyond ridiculous.
The remaining members of our people should begin thinking of Vigilance Committees. They are not nice, but they work.
Harry Callahan: "Couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch of guys." / sarc
Harry Callahan: "Nothing wrong with shooting as long as the right people get shot."
Harry Callahan: "Briggs, I hate the damn system, but until someone comes along with changes that make sense, I'll stick with it."
Lieutenant Briggs: "You're about to become extinct, Callahan."
[Minutes later, Briggs became extinct himself]
"A man's got to know his limitations."
While not condoning the actions of the police in Honduras, I would think that this alone would make people think twice before joining gangs. Perhaps our "exporting" of the gang problem in returning people back to their country will be a net positive for the US.
Reminds me of the old movie "The Star Chamber", where a group of police killed the gangsters who were guilty but could not be convicted because of liberal laws and crooked lawyers. I found myself cheering for the cops.
I've got one in my back yard that I just got through pruning. That damn thing fought back all the way, and I have the marks to show it.
If you threw someone into one of those things, they'd never get out. And no one could get through if several were used as a fence.
The plot you describe was a dirty harry movie Magnum Force. In the star chamber a select few, judges etc decided which criminals who were getting away needed to be killed and contracted for their killing.
You're right, I was getting those two movies mixed up. I liked them both!
Good point. The problematic illegal invasion has little to do with the California representatives (or other states for that matter) as much as it does with the federal Executive Branch failing to enforce those very representatives' statuates regarding our sovereignty. The representatives made the laws, it's up to the President to enforce them. That is simply one of the few federal responsibilities proscribed in the Constititution assigned to the Executive Branch - law enforcement. End story. It is unargueable.
Nice whine.
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