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1 posted on 12/12/2004 11:36:48 PM PST by JohnHuang2
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To: JohnHuang2
I have sent this story to every paper I know of and have never gotten a response from any of them. SAD SAD SAD
2 posted on 12/12/2004 11:42:53 PM PST by SweetCaroline (Give thanks to the GOD of heaven, for His mercy and loving kindness are forever!!)
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To: JohnHuang2
"maybe even because a certain politically protected lifestyle has been elevated to virtual sainthood."

Some aboriginal cultures venerate them as the "holy ones".

3 posted on 12/12/2004 11:47:23 PM PST by freedom9
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To: JohnHuang2

You forgot the "May make even adults sick at their stomachs" alert!

Unfortunately, much discussion of homosexuality is sanitized beyond belief. Every homosexual relation is a loving relation betwen partners committed for life. The bathhouses and brutality that often accompany homosexual behavior is removed. Heck, homosexuals on TV never even kiss or fondle each other!

5 posted on 12/12/2004 11:51:53 PM PST by Mr Rogers
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To: JohnHuang2
Shephard's murder was a national sensation, the impetus for special-circumstance "hate-crime" legislation from coast to coast – even though robbery appeared to be the motive all along.

Robberies generally don't end up with the victim tortured to death.

Q.: What is a "hate crime?" Aren't all crimes based on "hate?"

A: Of course not. What a stupid thing to say. Go take your stupid pills Mr. stupid. That answer wasn't even based on hate, it was based on contempt. Crimes can be done out of desperation, thrill-seeking, greed, love--many things other than hate. Duh.

Q: Well, why should "hate crimes" be punished more than other crimes?

A: Because campaigns of terrorist-style violence against a group in our society is not something we should tolerate. It is worse if a crime is committed as part of a larger group of crimes committed for some hateful end (such as wiping out a group of people).

Hate crimes are much like international terrorism rather than say, international drug dealing. That's another crime that's not committed out of "hate!"

It's almost shocking how hateful Matthew Shepard's detractors are. Almost, but then, it's not surprising at all when you consider who they are.

6 posted on 12/13/2004 12:02:40 AM PST by xm177e2 (Stalinists, Maoists, Ba'athists, Pacifists: Why are they always on the same side?)
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To: JohnHuang2; little jeremiah
"The more we tolerate, celebrate and condone the "alternative lifestyles" that bring us such horrors, the more of these horrors we'll see – or, thanks to the cover-up artists in the elite media, won't see".

Repeat as often as necessary. If we don't The truth will never be told.

7 posted on 12/13/2004 12:11:25 AM PST by DirtyHarryY2K (Perversion is not a civil right.)
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To: JohnHuang2
Ask the media what ever happened to Robert Royce Eubanks.

He's the member of the Lawrence v. Texas case that the media ignored. (He was the abused lover who place the hoaxed phone call).

13 posted on 12/13/2004 3:07:08 AM PST by weegee (WE FOUGHT ZOGBYISM November 2, 2004 - 60 Million Voters versus 60 Minutes - BUSH WINS!!!)
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To: JohnHuang2

The point of hate crime laws is to allow homosexuals proposition and/or seduce anyone they please without fear of getting the snot kicked out of them.

17 posted on 12/13/2004 3:32:56 AM PST by dinasour (Pajamahadeen)
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To: JohnHuang2
They are truly evil and as the Lord said:
"You shall not lie with a male as with a women. It is an abomination." Lav 18:22 Judgment and condemnation is for the evil they inflict.
19 posted on 12/13/2004 3:38:13 AM PST by gakrak ("A wise man's heart is his right hand, But a fool's heart is at his left" Eccl 10:2)
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To: Nightshift


30 posted on 12/13/2004 4:46:38 AM PST by tutstar ( <{{--->< Violations of Florida Statutes ongoing!)
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To: JohnHuang2
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) on the cumulative number of cases of AIDS through 2002 in the U.S.:           :
 Male to male sexual contact   420,790   48%
 Injection drug use (172,351 men, 67,917 women)  240,268   27%
 Male to male sexual contact and injection drug use  59,719   7%
 Heterosexual contact (50,793 men, 84,835 women)  135,628   15%
 Other  20,869  2%
 Total cumulative-adults and adolescents   877,275  100%
   Also see Kissing Tied to Kaposi's sarcoma Virus

     Excerpts from a report by the D.C. Family Research Council, citing dozens of experts and studies, including a study of some 5,200 obituaries, over five years, in 16 homosexual newspapers:

Average age of men dying w/ AIDS is 39.

The average age of homosexuals dying of all other causes, 41 (Average mafioso dies at 44).

Only 1% lived to be 65 or older, as opposed to 80% for heterosexual men.

• Other studies have found only 3% of all homosexuals are over the age of 55.

While obituaries in the gay press focus on those out of the closet, they suggest that a homosexual "life-style" may cut two or three decades off one’s life expectancy.

According the FRC report, homosexual men are 3 times as likely to have abuse problems, 14 times more likely to have syphilis, 23 times more likely to contract any venereal disease, 5500 times (550,000%) more likely to contact AIDS.

Nor is the phenomenon restricted to males: "A compilation of recent studies shows that lesbians are 19 times more likely than heterosexual women to have had syphilis, twice as likely to suffer from genital warts, and four times as likely to have scabies".

44 posted on 12/13/2004 6:28:36 AM PST by Popman
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To: JohnHuang2
Why is the vandalism of one church not considered a hate crime (Vandals Decapitate Jesus Statue At (Delaware) Church and another is (Cathedral Damaged In Apparent Anti-Gay Exorcism?

Hint: the answer is the headline. So anti-Christian hate crimes don't count?

In retrospect, I'm amazed the first story made the news at all.

46 posted on 12/13/2004 6:33:25 AM PST by tuesday afternoon (Everything happens for a reason. - 40 and 43)
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To: JohnHuang2
I wonder why one death was so nationally significant and the other wasn't? ... I wonder if it could have anything to do with the fact that the case illustrates so accurately the dark underbelly of the homosexual lifestyle – the part the elite media don't want you to see?

From After the Ball, a homosexual strategy book:

Nevertheless, not all talk about homosexuality is helpful. "And when we say talk about homosexuality, we mean just that. In the early stages of the campaign, the public should not be shocked and repelled by premature exposure to homosexual behavior itself. Instead, the imagery of sex per se should be downplayed, and the issue of gay rights reduced, as far as possible, to an abstract social question."
The media couldn't possibly be in on this, could they?
47 posted on 12/13/2004 6:42:48 AM PST by tuesday afternoon (Everything happens for a reason. - 40 and 43)
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To: EdReform; backhoe; Yehuda; Clint N. Suhks; saradippity; stage left; Yakboy; I_Love_My_Husband; ...

Homosexual Agenda Ping. It is a graphic, disturbing read. Anyone who does not know the details of Jesse Dirkhising's murder should read it, not near any mealtime.

Excellent article by Joseph Farah, and good comments on the thread as well.

Just recently the murderers of Matthew Shepard admitted that they murdered him because they were tweated on meth, not because Shepard was homosexual, and it was a robbery gone bad. They were told to remain silent about that in order to obtain their plea bargain.

Let me know if anyone wants on/off this pinglist.

50 posted on 12/13/2004 9:13:34 AM PST by little jeremiah (What would happen if everyone decided their own "right and wrong"?)
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To: JohnHuang2
Jesse Dirkhising's parents thought he - a 13-year-old boy - was working as a hair stylist on weekends?

That's the first I'd heard of those details. Sounds like the parents might not have been all that a) bright or b) involved in Jesse's life.
52 posted on 12/13/2004 9:39:21 AM PST by Xenalyte (Clams got legs!)
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To: JohnHuang2
The more we tolerate, celebrate and condone the "alternative lifestyles" that bring us such horrors, the more of these horrors we'll see – or, thanks to the cover-up artists in the elite media, won't see.

Like many Americans the media lives in their own dream world. They don't want to be bothered with the truth, because the truth upsets the rose colored glasses they wear when they are around evil. As I heard a liberal say one day, "I can't stand the anti abortion crowd. They insist that I make a decision either for or against." Yep, that's the typical American cop outer.

65 posted on 12/13/2004 11:08:06 AM PST by swampfox98 (Michael Reagan: "It's time to stop the flood.")
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To: JohnHuang2

You mean Conyers was not on top of this!!

All this Hate Crime Legislation is doing, is control of our freedom of speech and expression. Look at Holland.

After the murder of Van Goegh by the Muslims for his movie concerning the extreme treatment of Women, the Dutch People, namely the Conservative Dutch Political Party, the largest in the nation, was shut down. By who, The activist judges of course. The Judges stated that by demanding that muslims no longer be allowed to enter Holland, The Conservative Political Party was Racist and that thier demand was a Hate Crime!!

This is where the Conyers, Jacksons, Lee's, Kennedy's, Biden's and allof the rest of the Socialist Gang intend to take us and imprison us for a right guranteed by the Constitution. Yes we have the RIGHT to HATE, just as we have the RIGHT to Love.

Why Christians and the Church are unable to fight the culture war
Restore America - ^ | October 23, 2004
Posted on 10/23/2004 1:15:13 AM EDT by woodb01
Why Christians and the Church are unable to fight the culture war
although it's still not too late
October 23, 2004

Often, in and out of church walls today, we hear about the apathy of the religious community. Hardly a month goes by that the church is not embroiled in some major controversy to the glee of the anti-christian left. The Church in America has lost its soul. The American church no longer fears God, and no longer loves God.

If this sounds like harsh criticism, I intend to fully support it in just a moment.

First, a little background. Since as far back as I can remember, I was raised in a Baptist Church, in my late teen years, after considerable rebellion, I had an "awakening" to what is meant by being "born again" after getting involved in the Pentecostal / Charismatic movement. Not the typical emotional "born again" experience that many people go through, but a true, life-changing, life-altering event that only an encounter with a living God could have initiated. This event led me to pour over the pages of the Bible for over 20 years, reading it cover to cover many times.

In a direct parallel to the church and our out of control culture today, I was on a roller coaster ride. On the wagon, off the wagon, running after God, running away from God, believing in a Heavenly Father and then having my doubts. Compromise, tolerance, foolishness, and sin were regular occurrences in my life, just like the American Church and American Culture today.

Then one day reading my Bible I stumbled on this:
Proverbs 8:13 The fear of the LORD is to hate evil...
That unnerved me because I didn't HATE evil. I was "tolerant," I was accepting just like all good little secular humanist citizens should be. I knew there was something wrong because if I didn't fear God, then how could I profess to truly be a Christian? Then other verses struck me:
Psalms 97:10 You that love the LORD, hate evil...
Romans 12:9 ...Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.
Confronted with this harsh reality that I did not HATE evil and therefore did not love or fear God, I was forced to change. My realization forced me to concede that I was headed straight for hell--, just like today's American Culture, and frighteningly enough, the American Church.

HATE, is a passionate thing. HATE is an active thing. You can't be apathetic if you have that passion. Activism and involvement against the causes of evil are the obvious results. Am I advocating violence? NO! Absolutely not! What I am advocating is serious, sincere, and committed activism to confronting and changing the sick and twisted evil in this culture today.

For example, as prayer was taken out of the schools, and abortion became the judge made "law of the land," every pastor and Christian in this country should have been running for Congress for the sole purpose of impeaching the Supreme Court Justices. It should have been the American Church's passion to stop the evils of the anti-christian assaults of American religious tradition and to stop the butcher of innocent human life. But there was nothing.
Today, with the controversy surrounding gay marriage, it hasn't been the Protestant faiths leading the fight, but the Catholic church, family groups, father's groups, and the Republican Party. The American Church's protestants are eerily silent.

Recently the democrats in Congress attempted to pass new "hate crimes" legislation identical to Canada's. In Canada, it is a hate crime to preach against homosexuality, even if you take it directly from the Bible. Yet still the church and christians do nothing.

The church, the family, values, morals, ethics, our children and our country are under attack. A relentless assault is being waged on patriotism and America from treasonous traitors within and still the American Church stands idly by as a spectator. It's time for American Christians to find their passion and their souls. DEMAND that your pastor abide by the Bible and teach what the Bible says about hating evil and if that pastor refuses, that pastor does NOT fear the Lord, and does NOT love God! That pastor must be removed from that position. It's time for the American Church to clean house and once cleaned to stand face to face with the vile anti-christian beast that has arisen in American government and lop the 7 headed hydra's heads off!

70 posted on 12/13/2004 12:33:14 PM PST by 26lemoncharlie (Defending America)
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To: JohnHuang2

Good post - this needs to be told - the media continues to lie about the crimes of homosexuals against our children.

74 posted on 12/13/2004 1:32:41 PM PST by sasafras (sasafras (The road to hell is paved with good intentions))
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To: JohnHuang2

"He positioned Jesse on his stomach, placing pillows under him before penetrating his anus with various items, including three fingers of his hand, his penis, a cucumber, a sausage and a douche bottle. Brown told police he also prepared and administered an enema for the victim, using his own urine as a liquid."

Lord God in heaven, what a sick, perverted, piece of human filth. And they want to throw me in jail if I call them what they are?

84 posted on 12/13/2004 1:58:37 PM PST by dljordan
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To: JohnHuang2

That which God.....Hates!

That too, for which hell exists.

95 posted on 12/13/2004 2:27:41 PM PST by maestro
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To: JohnHuang2


119 posted on 12/14/2004 12:48:31 PM PST by Centurion2000 (Truth, Justice and the Texan Way)
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