My wife and I homeschool 3 kids at home. It has been remarkable to watch their growth and progress and their unfurling their minds like a beautiful flower. Day by day by day. But always under our watchful eye. They converse,not just with kids their age, but with people of all ages. It has been an education for my wife and me. It was the best decision we ever made. They would have been completely different people if they had been indoctrinated by politically correct government reeducation camps. Now they know the basics and as they move to college they know it is a good thing to ask questions, even of your professors and teachers without apprehension. Luckily we have given them a love to learn things. We have exploited their natural curiosity about every subject. We are fundamenal Bible believing Christians, but we went into great depth to explain the theory of evolution. The oldest just finished calculus and the 14 year old has finished Algebra II and Geomentry and Trigenometry. They all play 3 or 3 musical instruments. They are very remarkable people. They are people who I feel we can hand off the country to in 30 years and continue leadership in this country that will uphold the fundamental tenents of freedom, liberty, and happiness. I do not see the products of the public schools doing that. They are trying to turn this great ship away from our heritage as a nation.
I think it is wonderful that you and your wife have homeschooled your children. I applaud all who do because it is not for everyone. I am one of those for whom it is not a viable option.
We watch our daughter's growth and progress everyday and are amazed by it. She is not being "indoctrinated by politically correct government reeducation camps." She is getting an education and continues the process at home (she's currently in the kitchen conducting an "experiment" with salt water).
My esteem of homeschoolers takes a major drop when they look down upon those, who for whatever reason, have chosen a different avenue of education for their children.
There is a benefit of home school that is not mentioned enough. When my boys interact with adults who don't know, often, the adults will compliment them on their manners and behavior.
Also, having a home with a mama and two able sons has allowed us to keep 90 year old Edward at home, when without that, he would have long ago been off to the care facility, and prolly died in six months.
The boys have been taught that serving Grandy is a part of our life. He's blind and needs to be led through the house now - from bed to toilet to rocking chair. The boys can do that.
He is still a good eater, and if he wants a cup of coffee, a baloney sandwich or some peanut butter and saltines, they can provide.
Academics is one thing. Learning that it is natural to take care of the helpless is quite another.