We're looking the wrong way. RINO's and Beltway Boys are NOT what we want in 2008. Here's a better list and we better get on this NOW!
For President-
Mark Sanford- libertarianesque fiscally, socially conservative Governor of SC. Unsure of foreign policy and immigration stance
Running mate-
Tom Tancredo-not electable nationally but might make a good VP candidate to balance the ticket-definitely a good guy to protect the borders
That's my $0.02.
Mark Sanford - Basically unknown nationally and from a state that has 8 electoral votes. Now, I genuinely like the guy and he might be one heck of a V.P. candidate . . . but he's not ready for a presidential race.
Let's be sure to turn the White House back to the Demos by
going too far right.
There is not going to be a truly conservative or truly liberal
president for many years. The important votes are near the center of the two parties. It a fact.
So you .02 cents gets us Hillary as President. Everyone had better get their heads straight on this or we'll end up with a "Perot"-like situation again and Hillary. There is no "Rino" I can think of that would be worse than that. This candidate has to be acceptable to both Republicans and Democrats -- or she'll win. 2008 is not going to be a year to be ideological it's a year to be practical (spoken by someone who really, really likes Tom Tancredo -- but the top of the ticket HAS to be someone everyone knows).