Why does President Bush have to make himself look good by appointing a rabid liberal from California? What is it with all of this talk about reaching out and appointing democrats, etc.? We won the election, didn't we? Have you ever seen Harmon on any of the talk shows? She is democrat through and through and has all the talking points mastered. She hates Bush and would do anything she could to bring him down. Frankly I'm tired of "reaching out". We won and we should choose people who agree with us, not disagree with us.
Yes, actually I have seen her on a boatload of shows, and on this particular issue, she has been forthright and fair, couching her partisan criticisms, where they should be, but not demagouging the issue.....
My Main point being, these overfunded 9/11 attention grabbing professional grievers will remain a potnetial political problem, and a move like this makes that go away to a greater or lesser extent, and also shields the administration from criticism (like Ridge got over the last 3 years), and Harman has no higher aspirations, she has already left Congress once.....
I will tell you this.....If Kerry had picked her for a running mate, He'd be getting sworn in, next month.