MoDo is in double denial: terrorists would be back in NYC if we weren't wasting them in Fallujah, and secondly, you already are an old bat.
Fitting that the Old Gray Whore features the Old Gray Therapy Patient, the two growing older, more irrelevant, more bitter.
I got that cartoon from here:
CARTOON: Maureen Dowd's Next Column on Pres Bush!
***Liberal pundit Maureen Dowd was heavily criticized last week for quoting President Bush out of context to make it seem he was claiming that "Al-Qaida is no longer a problem." Bush was specifically speaking only of those Al-Qaida members who are dead or in prison. One newspaper in Texas dropped Dowd's column after her questionable journalism was brought to light.***
ha! Look at this cra*, Phil:
If you click on THAT, it's a SLAM of
But that pic, found on THIS page:
..... is actually of Maureen Dowd with a dunce cap on!