I don't think it is possible to do this without banning government from having anything to do with education ...public or private. Case in point... a government chartered 501-C-3 organization such as the teachers union (a teachers union has the same charter as your friendly neighborhood Methodist church - which means government can control what it can and cannot teach and preach) has turned public education into a 'jobs program' where employment of people has become the "purpose" of public education. It is not possible for government to maintain this control without "...indoctrination and social engineering...".
The 'purpose' of this public education - a jobs program - means that "education" is simply a by-product of the 'purpose'. Meanwhile taxpayers have the burden of supporting "No Child Left Behind" in order to insure that our "POORLY QUALIFIED TEACHERS" who should have been "highly" qualified the day they received their teaching certificate.
No parent wants a poorly qualified teacher in charge of their child's education. But you can't fire these non-highly qualified teachers because of tenure laws of teachers unions which fall under the oversight of that government control - 501-C-3. Public education has been in a downward spiral since they day government control removed "civics" (a death warrant for government control of education) from the classroom. If you received a public education (K thru 12) and did not attend college you have never had a civics class in public school unless you are at least 60 years of age. Government control removed civics 60 years ago. Todays classroom teacher (qualified or not) does not dare interfere with 60 years of indoctrination and social engineering. Why should they put their employment with medical and retirement benefits in jeopardy?
If there is to be a change... you and I will have to lead the revolt! That is why I maintain that "home schooling" is the best K thru 12 education available in the United States.
... we need to get them out of the indoctrination and social engineering business.