Do the math - 150,000 X 10 X at least $1.50 tax = BIG BUCKS.
I'll bet there were ragheads involved in the trafficking too.
Now who do ragheads like to send money to?
You're right - and it's not just cigarettes. These muslims are involved in the sale of all kinds of illegally obtained items from baby food to toilet paper and anything in between. Most of it is stolen and sold in the "convenience stores" which they have taken control of all over the country.
Here in Nashville, there's a group of such convenience stores (Mapco Express) which, I've been told, are owned by Israelis and that's the only place where I buy gas, cigarettes or any of the other items I don't get elsewhere. I know from sources in law enforcement that most of the rest are muslim-controlled and financing jihad through the sale of stolen goods.