"I heard from a top political source in Maryland over a year ago that the deal has already been cut for Sarbanes to retire and Al Wynn to be the Democrat nominee."
I didn't know that Wynn had statewide aspirations. The rumor I had heard was that Mfume would run if Sarbanes retired, although maybe Ben Cardin would oppose him in the primary.
If Sarbanes retires, I would love for Lt. Governor Michael Steele to be the GOP Senate nominee. He is a solid conservative who will ensure high turnout in the Panhandle and in the Eastern Shore (which will have the additional effect of aiding Gov. Ehrlich's reelection), and as a black man from the DC suburbs, he would make it difficult for Mfume and especially Wynn to get the types of margins they would need among black voters and among Montco whites in order to win. If Ben Cardin is the Democrat nominee, it would be a more difficult race for Steele, but my money would still be on the Lt. Governor.
I would hope Steele can do better than wrapping up the Eastern Sho'. I could carry that "sh$thouse" Eastern Sho!
To win the Senate, Steele would have to deliver PG county (where he lives) and make a serious dent in Montgomery and Baltimore Counties. He is one impressive guy! I hope this will happen.