I think I may have missed "This Old House", Star.
Really like his "'49 Mercury Blues".
I'm loading it up now, but it may not have time to finish before I leave the service area! (Wireless, on the road!) It's off the "Dirt Boogie" CD - by far my favorite. Got it for Christmas last year! "This Old house" is an old song, written and originally sung by Stuart Hamblen. Setzer's ROCKS!!
L0L 49 mercury blues? what are you like my ghost or sumptin?
The first I meard of that tune was by a guy named dave lindely...maybee that was just called "mercury blues" L0L its a very big world ;^)
you find that audio feed on BGB yet? L0L
Mark it youll be happy you did. best bluegrass Ive found on the modern circuit as well as the old stuff
See ya'll tomorrow night! **HUGS!**