Posted on 11/26/2004 12:12:13 AM PST by Cincinatus' Wife
Got Curves?
Last week, a socially conscious pro-choice advocate asked The New York Times Magazine Ethicist this poignant question:
"I am in my month's trial membership at the fitness chain Curves, and I love it. I must decide whether to sign up for a year, and I've learned that the owner of the company financially supports pro-life efforts, whereas I am pro-choice. Do I have a duty to give up my Curves membership?"
Many people often ask Planned Parenthood this very same question and we applaud columnist Robert Cohen for his response:
"It depends: which do you value more, your reproductive rights or your figure? If the former, clean out your locker. You won't be alone."
A not so wellknown fact is that Gary Heavin, founder and CEO of Curves, is an avid supporter of anti-choice causes, having pledged more than $5 million to various groups that oppose reproductive choice. So if you're a member of Curves, your money may be indirectly supporting abstinence-only education and other anti-choice programs.
Help others learn the truth about Curves founder by e-mailing The New York Times Magazine article to a friend. (registration required)
Send Robert Cohen a nice note to thank him for raising awareness about this.
I'm sure that racists don't like black owned businesses but Houston's only daily won't promote their bigotry by acting as if "all sides" need to get exposure.
This is an AP story that will go out all over the wires.
Add to that, the Planned Parenthood alert about the The New York Times Magazine article by Robert Cohen [Post #1], and you have a conservative witch hunt on a conservative businessman.
According to The New York Times, His latest brand extensions include the Riverview Community Bank in Minnesota, a "Christian financial institution" whose deposits have grown from $5-million (U.S.) to more than $75-million in the past 18 months, and the chain of Curves fitness centres (based in Waco, Tex.), which Entrepreneur magazine calls the "fastest growing franchise in the world" (and whose born-again founder Gary Heavin donates 10 per cent of profits to Operation Save America, a radical-right anti-abortion group). Said Heavin in an interview with Today's Christian: "I couldn't dream this big . . . but I serve a God who is." .........***
Heavin said he and his wife have given away some $10 million of their money this year, much of it to health clinics and organizations that promote abstinence, prenatal care and pregnancy programs. He calls himself "pro-woman and pro-choice."
At the annual Curves convention in Las Vegas this month, one of the topics was "the fallout from my values," Heavin said.
"Out of 5,700 people who were there, about 20 were angry at me," he said. "That is a testament not so much that they agree with me, but that they are reasonable people."
At the same time, Heavin is credited with shaking up the fitness center industry.
The Curves phenomenon has "forever altered the landscape of the worldwide fitness industry," wrote John McCarthy, executive director of the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association.
It has also spurred on a wave of copycat fitness chains that cater to women, said Don DeBolt, president of the International Franchise Association.
For Heavin, Curves has made him a wealthy man.
He has a 1,000-acre ranch near President Bushs ranch, and his own jet, helicopter and three hot air balloons. In the past year, he and his wife have given nearly $170,000 to the Republican Party and congressional candidates, according to the Federal Election Commission.
Heavin intends to keep the company growing........*** - Foster's Daily Democrat, NH
Well according to atheist PETA members, Jesus was a vegetarian. They must have overlooked the story about the loaves and the fish that He used to feed the crowd.
Just damn. If Jim "Bakker" didn't have a sound alike name to James "Baker", we probably wouldn't have been so inundated with the news of the "scandal".
Robert Tilton's scandals never made nearly the ripples in the national news.
The PTL scandal let them slam Christians AND the Reagan administration. "It's just sex", isn't it?
Why didn't Jesse Jackson's scandal of paying for his bastard children with charity monies generate the same level of coverage?
Heck, Jesse's got about as much credibility as a religious figure.
That would be the REV-rand Jackson, to you..
Jordan S. Rubin, the author of The Maker's Diet, calls it a "40-day health 'experience' that will change your life forever." A self-described "biblical health coach," and a messianic Jew, Rubin created the diet during his efforts to overcome chronic Crohn's disease, which had wasted him at 19 into an emaciated 111-pound skeleton. According to Rubin, his "healing and restoration" began when he discovered "the diet and health secrets of the world's greatest Physician."And what did the Doctor order? Surprise, surprise: Drawing from specific passages of Leviticus and Deuteronomy, the Maker's Diet turns out to be kosher, sprinkled with New Age-y preferences for "living" and unprocessed foods. That means no pork ("unclean," Lev. 11:7-8), no shellfish (same, Lev. 11:9-10) and no animals that "chew the cud" but do not have cloven or split hooves (yup -- horses and camels are dirty, Lev. 11:4). Sure, extremely observant Jews who subsist on boiled flunken and pray all day aren't the most vigorous looking specimens in the modern world but, hey, these are His commandments. It's all about what Jesus would eat.
They use a diet proscribed by an observant Jew to slam Jesus' followers as odd? The venomous bigotry of the author drips from every paragraph.
Why doesn't this same "journalist" take muslims to task for their dietary restriction on pork? muslims don't prohibit pork because of possible contaminated meat, they ban it because eating pig MAKES you behave like a slovenly pig:
Consumption of swine-flesh reduces the feeling of shame and as such the standard of modesty. Those nations, which consume pork habitually, have a low standard of morality with the result that virginity, chastity and bashfulness are becoming a thing of the past in Europe today.
Why single Christians out? Because it is politically correct to ridicule them in America.
book mark
The left will keep digging that anti-American, anti-Christian and anti-Jew hole.
Lefties quitting membership in Curves for political reasons is like a Rightist not seeing a movie actor's movies because they backed Kerry. Stupid either way.
Big difference between boycotting someone over their religion or financial contributions.
This man does not get invited on late night or morning talk shows. He is a businessman. Entertainers get booked on such shows all the time because America knows their faces and it is considered better for ratings.
The Hollywood left abuse their access to the media by using it as a stage to spout their political views. No one put them in that position because of their politics. The audience is captive at that point and does not have an opportunity to counter the celeb's "arguments".
Shut up and sing. They are still free to give to whatever fringe political groups they want to.
The same strategy worked for Walmart. But I'm suprised there's anyone able to buy a franchise or afford to join in the communities destroyed by the evil Walmart.
I know. Isn't it awful how the economy is struggling? /sarcasm
I would guess most clubs do not operate at anywhere near maximum numbers. I found that a 1 year contract is required which is good for the owner as many people stop going to a gym after a while. This may be part of the business model - perhaps you can sign up 1.5, 2X or 3X your maximum throughput and still not have overfilled classes.
I looked at their website and noticed there are a lot of franchises for sale. Any FReeper own an interest in one of these?? Where am I wrong?
I think the idea of placing them in strip malls, etc cuts costs.
I can't answer your other questions.
Take the Dixie Chicks - I happen to not like any country music - I think the overreaction to them was a cultural thing - country music was supposed to be the music of people who support Bush and for the most part it is true - So many country fans saw them I am guess as cultural traitors.
Country Music fans bought their CDs before they knew their politics because I assume they like that crappy stuff. If the song gives them pleasure - who cares what the politics are?
Ok, now for music I do like - I am a fan of Rage Against the Machine. This was a band of avowed Marxists. I despise Marxists - yet I bought their CDs - Why? Cause A)They rock. B) I am not afraid I am weakminded so I won't be converted to their cause as I rock out to their music and C) I get a perverse satisfaction in knowing I am helping make communists into millionaires and thus hypocrites.
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