You're splitting semantic hairs with your claim the Saiga SKS is not an SKS.
Then a Springfield 03 is a Mauser and an AK47 is an SKS and a Ford is a Chevy.
It isn't an automatic rifle and it isn't an SKS. The press was wrong as usual.
46 posted on
11/25/2004 3:01:11 PM PST by
(Joining Belly Girl in the Pajamahadeen)
To: Poser
It is a semi automatic knock off of the SKS.
Get over it.
I'll wager you see a real difference between a pre ban "assault weapon" complete with: pistol grip, bayonet lug, flash supressor et al and the cosmetically sanitized post ban version of the same rifle without said peripherals.
Well do ya?
51 posted on
11/25/2004 3:11:22 PM PST by
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