Don't believe the Freemasonry propaganda. If you dig into REAL history you will find the Freemasons are a force what what's wrong with this country. Specifically, the "invention" of the myth of seperation of church/state (most people think it IN the consitition). I challenge anyone to find it in any of the documents that our Republic holds dear.
In addition, the more you dig into "Morals and Dogma" - essentially the handbook of Freemasonry, the more occult it gets. M&D was written by Albert Pike. Check into him one fine Sunday afternoon.
Won't. Can't stand Nicholas Cage. The boy is a lousy actor. Only film he was good in was "Raising Arizona". He was perfect for the part.
Saw it last night. Good flick...agree w/ the B+ rating. Very fast paced & not a slow minute in the film.
Michael Medved also gave it a very good review. Left-stream media critics hate it. Sounds like my kind of film.
I was going to see it last night but Mrs. Hugin has a cold. I'll have to go next week.
My wife and I liked it.
Before going, I saw the so-so/negative reviews. The first one I read (Aussie Garth Franklin) complained of its "patriotism." Sounded like a plus to me.
I wondered, though, how a Kerry/Klinton kool-aid-drinker would hear a line in there about overthrowing the government, riffing off and expanding what the Declaration says.
I give it **1/2. It held my interest, didn't have much of a script, but good for the family to enjoy. Besides, I'm a sucker for Masonic conspiracy theories.
No. The Knights of Malta, who paid the tribute of a falcon, were (and are) the Knights Hospitalers, not the Knights Templar.
Just got back from the movie this afternoon. I know a little about Freemasonry... enough to know that it is wrong for a christian to be one. I have studied quite a bit of their literature and find it to be quite full of humanistic teachings. As for the movie, I didn't really find it to be really pro or anti-masonic (other than their are protrayal as the good guys - i.e. protectors of the treasure) Overall, a very innocent, clever, and inacurrate usage of the Masons history and symbolics to come up with a unique and entertaining story. I would give the movie 3 out of 5 stars. |
The previous week we saw "The Incredibles." Liked that one, too.
Two good movies in a row. I don't go to many movies, because most of them look like junk.
We just got home from seeing it. We took our twelve-year-old. She enjoyed it as much as we did.
I saw it Friday night and enjoyed it. Not great, but a good, fun movie.
I just saw it. Now I know why the liberal critics bash it. It makes you feel proud of this country. Tick off a liberal, and go see the movie.