Posted on 11/19/2004 3:45:42 AM PST by Mia T
CLINTON: They're wrong about that. You know why they're wrong about it? They're wrong about it.
JENNINGS: Why, sir?
CLINTON: Because we had $100 million spent against us in all these inspections . . . In spite of it all, you don't have any example where I ever lied to the American people about my job, where I have let the American people down. And I had more support from the world when I quit than when I started. And I will go to my grave being at peace about it. And I don't really care about what they think.
CLINTON: They have no idea . . .
JENNINGS: Excuse me, Mr. President. I can feel it across the room. You care very deeply.
CLINTON: No, no. I care. I care. You don't want to go here, Peter. You don't want to go here. Not after what your people did. And the way you - your network - what you did with Kenneth Starr. The way your people repeated every little sleazy thing he did. No one has any idea of what that's like.
they now dart back and forth reflexively, searching futilely for approval, attempting desperately to dispel his own certain knowledge that his moral authority is gone. . . forever. Mia T |
Sylvia Plath
To wit: A proven felon and utter reprobate can remain president; clinton can be a failed human being but a good president.
The error in these statements arises, says Steele, from the belief that virtuousness is separate from personal responsibility so that one's virtuousness as an individual is determined by one's political positions on issues rather than on whether or not in one's personal life there is a consistency and a responsibility.
Steele's contention is that this compartmentalization, rather than being the amazing advantage the clintons would have us believe, in fact, spills toxicity into, corrupts, the culture.
If mere identification with good policies is what makes one virtuous then those policies become, what Steele calls, iconographic, that is to say they just represent virtuousness. They don't necessarily do virtuous things.
If clinton's semantic parsing strips meaning from our words, clinton's iconographic policies strip meaning from our society, systematically deconstructing our society as a democracy. . .
I would take Shelby Steele's thesis one step further. I maintain that iconographic policy functions like a placebo, producing a real, physiological and social effects.
The placebo effect is, after all, the brain's triumph over reality. Expectation alone can produce powerful physiological results. The placebo effect was, at one time, an evolutionary advantage: act now, think later
bill clinton is the paradigmatic Placebo President. Placebo is Latin for "I shall please." And please he does doling out sham treatments, iconographs, with abandon. To please, to placate, to numb, to deflect. Ultimately to showcase his imagined virtue. Or to confute his genuine vice.
clinton will dispense sugar pills (or bombs) at the drop of a high-heeled shoe... or at the hint of high treason...
clinton's charlatanry mimics that of primitive medicine. Through the 1940s, doctors had little effective medicine to offer so they deliberately attempted to induce the placebo response.
The efficaciousness of today's medicines does not diminish the power of the placebo. A recent review of placebo-controlled studies found that placebos and genuine treatments are often equally effective. If you expect to get better, you will.
Which brings me back to the original question: Can clinton be a failed human being but a good president?
Clearly he cannot. These two propositions are mutually exclusive. clinton's fundamental failure is a complete lack of integrity. He has violated his covenant with the American people.
Because clinton has destroyed his moral authority as a leader, he can no longer function even as a quack; the placebo effect is gone.
And so the Placebo President must now go, too.
They say that the clear focus of American policy was to discourage the state sponsorship of terrorism. So persuading Khartoum to expel Bin Laden was in itself counted as a clear victory. The administration was "delighted".
Bin Laden took off from Khartoum on May 18 in a chartered C-130 plane with 150 of his followers, including his wives. He was bound for Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan. On the way the plane refuelled in the Gulf state of Qatar, which has friendly relations with Washington, but he was allowed to proceed unhindered.
Barely a month later, on June 25, a 5,000lb truck bomb ripped apart the front of Khobar Towers, a US military housing complex in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. The explosion killed 19 American servicemen. Bin Laden was immediately suspected...
bill clinton, State of Union Speech, January 27, 2000
Among the comments clinton made in presence of Secret Service agents:
After the Monica Lewinsky story broke, however, clinton toned down his rhetoric and behavior in front of his Secret Service agents, but those who guarded the president say enough of them saw and heard things which could be damaging to clinton.
Turnover In clinton's Secret Service Detail
Why does the press continue to ignore the Juanita Broaddrick story?
Richard Gere stunned fellow liberals Monday by suggesting that President Bush is doing a better job of fighting AIDS than President Bill Clinton did.
Introduced by Sharon Stone at a fund-raiser at Cipriani 42nd Street for the American Foundation for AIDS Research, the "Chicago" star hailed Bush for his State of the Union proposal to contribute $15 billion toward the AIDS battle in Africa and the Caribbean. Gere then addressed the track record of Bush's predecessor in the White House.
"I'm sorry, Sen. [Hillary] Clinton, but your husband did nothing about AIDS for eight years," Gere said.
copyright Mia T 2001
How a Rapist can be a Policy Feminist
placebo effect n.
The boot in the face, the brute
Brute heart of a brute like you.
he placebo effect immediately came to mind as I listened to Shelby Steele, a research fellow at the Hoover Institution,debunk the following pernicious spin intended to save clinton.
'Highest That Anyone Can Remember'
NY Daily News | 2/5/03
Hear Bush 41 Warn Us--October 19, 1992*
copyright Mia T 2002
Not Joe Klein's Primary Colors. And not Jack Stanton.
clinton is Alex,
Like A CLOCKWORK ORANGE, the story of bill clinton
clinton, like Alex, is the leader of the gang, the "droogies."
When Alex kills a woman during a rape, Alex is sent to prison.
A risible and repulsive result;
While Alex is conditioned in prison with aversion therapy,
In the end,
We will have set apart clinton as the hero
bill clinton is straight out of
Stanley Kubrick's A CLOCKWORK ORANGE.
one of the few truly amoral characters in either film or literature;
not quite as Kubrick (or Burgess) had imagined him, however,
but rumpled, wrinkled, paunchy, edematous,
stripped of the youth-excuse
after 30 additional, pathetic, recidivistic years
of marauding, stomping, raping, gangbanging, deceiving and destroying.
is the story about a society that has lost its capacity for moral choice.
But unlike in the less fabulous and no more ironic fable,
clinton is not mere nascent symbol but nihilistic agent.
Eerily prefigured by the rocking, crooked phallus,
clinton's a conscienceless sadist
who thrills at risk and gratuitous destruction,
whose sexual and non-sexual impotence
is at the root of his obsession with "the old inout."
When clinton rapes women, girls, his country and God knows what else. . .
and kills? --- check out those fourscore-plus deaths, please!
And don't forget the wag-the-dog, desperately-seeking-a-legacy bombings,
or the cold-blooded Ricky Ray Rector execution---
not clinton but society is imprisoned,
imprisoned in clinton's
besmirched, semen-stained, feckless presidency.
yet not even the punch line.
transmuted into a moral robot who becomes nauseated
by the mere thought of sex and violence,
bill clinton and his Thought Police,
in a perverse reverse aversion,
have conditioned society's collective brain
into not mere acquiescence but twisted admiration.
if clinton's arrogant, ruthless, reckless nature is restored to him,
it seems the joke will be on all of us,
for it will be a victory for infinite victimhood and irresponsibility,
for seduction, for violence, for nihilism, for anarchy.
by making his victims less human than he;
we will have allowed clinton to carefully estrange us from his victims
so that we can enjoy the rapes and the beatings
as much as clinton himself does.
by Mia T, 12-30-02
f mutability of meaning was necessary for the survival of the clintons--their survival hinged ultimately on the deconstruction of words and laws--it is more than a little ironic, and a manifestation of the special sway and shortsightedness of the pathologic ego, that clinton's monument to himself will necessarily define the clintons with the permanence of great inviolate places of iconic architecture.
Whereas a huckster removes meaning from institutions--the wife picked up where the husband left off--an architect encodes meaning in buildings. James S. Polshek, the architect with the dubious distinction of having been commissioned to build the William J. Clinton Presidential Center in Little Rock, Arkansas, believes that a successful architectural solution must necessarily be rooted in relevance.
Just as Polshek's buildings have physical layers, so too do they have layers of meaning. His Rose Center for Earth and Space, for example, is informed formally and programmatically by the historic architecture of a designated landmark even as it redefines itself, (often too self-consciously, in my view), in Star-Trekian terms. Reduced to its essence, the building is the nascent universe before the Big Bang, the promise of the undifferentiated cell in its mother's womb.
The "bridge to the 21st century" was, perhaps, clinton's most delusional conceit, so it is not surprising that it would become clinton's self-referential metaphor of choice. His library was to be that bridge, if he had anything to say about it...
The architect is often the master of the inside joke, witness Robert Venturi's postmodern chairs. Venturi exploited--unabashedly and with abandon--the vocabulary of Las Vegas, its stage-set-as-reality and its roadside culture--bright, clashing, ugly and fake. The architect's inside joke is his hedge against the sycophancy that comes with patronage.
The flip side of the encoded meaning of the architect is the terrorist's decoding of it. To bin Laden, the World Trade Center was Jewish capitalism encoded in urban space. If Polshek's vision of clinton's library is a bridge, the inside joke is that, at best, it is a bridge to nowhere.
More likely, it is a bridge to the 7th century...or a doublewide to house clinton double-speak. Take your choice.
copyright Mia T 2002 |
Excellent presentation. Thank you.
Klinton was treasonous lying scum bump
Oh Willy!...On the inside, were you crying in the rain?...
I was wondering if someone was going to comment on the ABC "special." Silly me who else but Mia T. Clinton's erectile dysfunction reminds me of Pittsburgh's long ago bridge to nowhere.
What a wonderful way to start the day: another brilliant Mia T. presentation!
Well, with the help of the 100 corrupt and cowardly cullions, clinton walked. The senators' justification for their acquittal votes requires the suspension of rational thought (and, in the curious case of Arlen Specter, national jurisdiction). Mia T
I read Bob Barr's book 'The Meaning of Is' and he says the same thing in the book. I think Mr. Barr called the Senate 'spineless'.
Anyway, good post.
A lot here to ponder. . and it doesn't need to be
forgotten either. There's so much with the Clintons;
where does a person start? . . and the alarming part
of it to me is that after eight years of those two
waxing worse and worse, we are still stuck with Hillary
Rodham Clinton hanging onto the bottom of our shoe like
a sticky piece of chewing gum with an air of fake
respectability. One would have thought, after all that
UGLINESS, the Clintons would be gone. . period . . end
of discussion.
good morning
thanks for the ping
I'm still trying to get a grip on Bubba's remarks to Jennings.
How a President of the United States got away with sexual harrassment and then rape in the eyes of the public is just .... oh ... just beyond me.
A few months ago we had Clinton up here in Canada and all we heard from the Canadian MSM is how great this guy was etc. Not a word about the sexual harrassment and of course that insane pardon bubba gave that criminal wanted over seas.
Fortunately I keep a barf bag by the TV now.
Clinton did not well on the economic front either - it all ended in the biggest stock market crash and recession.
i watched part of the clinton abc special last night, and happened to catch the scolding act.. i don't buy it. i think it was pre-planned for a reason. now Jennings looks fair and balanced to the FOX watchers (he thinks). Jennings worships clinton and has a huge ego... no way did this happen spontaneously.. and if it had - no way would Jennings let some some one treat him that way. it was for the masses.. the useful idiots. a ploy. i just don't buy their little act. it also let Clinton rant without Jennings looking culpable. it was all
great post Mia..
Excellent Information
Jennings drove a stake through clinton's newly minted legacy if not his newly plumbed heart. (But it was nothing compared to what Dimbleby of the BBC did to clinton. check out the 5 flashmovies....)
That wasn't easy. excellent compilation, Thanks!
Irony bites Dims in the @*$. Heh heh.
The interview allowed clinton to summarize the library's clinton revision, the newly unveiled veiled clinton legacy, if you will, even as it allowed Jennings to pose as a real journalist by giving him the opportunity to ask the questions central to the clinton library conceit.... (A real journalist would have demanded the answers.)
It's unclear to me, however, whether Jennings probed a bit more deeply on the moral authority-legacy-presidential poll thing than he was supposed to....
I will be deconstructing the ABC-Jennings interview a la BBC-Dimbleby.
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