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To: milkncookies; Godzilla; Quix
1. Detonation on Dec 27 (could be delayed, but all our intercepts point to this date) 2. The State Department blames "al-Qaeda", whose leaders are allegedly hiding in Iran 3. Iran (truthfully) denies giving refuge to said leaders 4. Bush issues Iran with a cowboy-style deadline for delivery of alleged leaders 5. Iran fails to comply because it cannot 6. UN convenes in emergency session - no agreement (Watch Ariel Sharon quietly flee to his private estate in Greece) 7. Other foreign intelligence agencies dispute the State Department version 8. Happily for Wolfowitz, Osama bin Laden releases a videotape claiming responsibility, warning America not to attack his "brave warriors" in Iran 9. American fighters launch a "decapitation" attack on the Iranian government and alleged "al-Qaeda" bases We know that the Wolfowitz network has concealed a remote-controlled nuclear payload in the Houston area. None of our intercepts give us exact coordinates. We have also heard the same code system used in regard to Atlanta and Dallas, although not with the same frequency.

This is mostly rubbish and indeed has certain similarities to the lunatic ravings of paranoid schizophrenic personality. But the above referenced section is interesting for this:

What happened after 911? The Taliban had given refuge to AQ and OBL and refused to give them up. We aimed to decapitate them. We did and things have generally gone well there. We know we need to hit Iran but cannot after the problems in Iraq. I am not suggesting that GWB knew or had anything to do with 911! Neither did Mossad or the British SAS. That's the lunatic part. I very much am afraid that there will be a nuclear detonation on our home soil and the President and all the alphabet agencies know it and know they can't stop it. So they might as well get ready to use it to their (and our) advantage afterward by retaliating against a longtime enemy. Even the RATS will agree that such a catastrophic event will give the President a nearly unlimited mandate to take any actions in the interest of national survival. Including our nuclear option.

This bozo goes on to remark that the utter destruction of Israel is inevitable. ~snort!~ Obviously is not a Christian and in fact in other parts of the document denies the Biblical prophesies as being false.

I'd love for Quix to read all of those posts and give me some feedback on his point of view, especially the parts about the fabulousy wealthy few reaping the rewards at the cost to the rest of the world. I smell the House of Rothschild and the House of Morgan at work here. I smell smoke.

3,943 posted on 12/21/2004 5:31:15 PM PST by ExSoldier (Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on dinner. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.)
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To: ExSoldier

COULD YOU POST THE POST NUMBERS or FREEPMAIL me the posts or whatever it is you'd like me to read?

If your question is do I believe that the puppet masters are complicit in the war on terror and the war on Iraq, the answer is a firm YES.

Witness--Werner von Braun's assistant's ref to his statements at the DISCLOSURE PROJECT site.

Beyond that--Ike's warning. Beyond that--Biblical prophecies--it's just logical and fits the era, time frame after Israel became a nation again in a day etc.

Don't know what else there is to add. But am happy to read reasonably significant posts if you'll let me know where they are or send them to me.


3,945 posted on 12/21/2004 5:47:17 PM PST by Quix (5having a form of godliness but denying its power. I TIM 3:5)
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To: ExSoldier

I'll just note this much:

The following I found plausible enough to at least very interesting to some paragraphs probably major portions true to some degree or another:

German guy 12/15/2004 2:25 am EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it, folks I have ofetn heard my American friends remark with surprise that Germans are not "controlled", as they thought. By NWO I think you are referring to the "new world order" system Bush Senior spoke of during the first Gulf War. Firstly: in Germany it is illegal for government agencies to share information about citizens they deal with on an ordinary basis. There is no central computer that links all of the various departments. (It is a different matter if you are seen as a threat to the constitution, and that matter is dealt with by your local state and not by the federal authorities.) As yet we do not have a biometric ID system, although that may happen in the future following approval from the European Parliament. This has been forced on us by the American government. Nobody in Germany is enthusiastic about this development, but if you travel to America regularly, you will not get entry permission after October 2005 without biometric data in your passport. I have not heard about Satan appearing on any ID card. You can however see such things by folding various international paper currency in a certain way, so I think it has more to do with imagined demons than any deliberate symbolism. If there is a continuing move to a world order of concentrated power, then this would rely first on the destruction of the American people and the American system of government. This is already happening in the United States and the biggest culprits are to be found in the American government itself. It seems that a grouping of international corporate entities and financial institutions have decided that America at this late stage is only good for projecting military force, and so it will use up American resources to advance its own agenda until there is not much left of American power and credibility. At the geopolitical level there are only two main beneficiaries: Israel and the City of London (Israel will then be destroyed by the CoL and international corporate power groups). At the financial-imperial level, the major corporations and institutions involved in the bleeding away of American military power have little to lose, since all of them have sufficient assets outside of US territories and would survive the collapse of the United States as a global power. So if this is what you mean by a world order, then you are correct. It will not be a global system of control connived by nation states, but rather by corporate and financial entities (who already enjoy enormous power and influence at all levels in all countries). I shall have to answer other questions when I return later today


If there is a continuing move to a world order of concentrated power, then this would rely first on the destruction of the American people and the American system of government. This is already happening in the United States and the biggest culprits are to be found in the American government itself. It seems that a grouping of international corporate entities and financial institutions have decided that America at this late stage is only good for projecting military force, and so it will use up American resources to advance its own agenda until there is not much left of American power and credibility. At the geopolitical level there are only two main beneficiaries: Israel and the City of London (Israel will then be destroyed by the CoL and international corporate power groups). At the financial-imperial level, the major corporations and institutions involved in the bleeding away of American military power have little to lose, since all of them have sufficient assets outside of US territories and would survive the collapse of the United States as a global power. So if this is what you mean by a world order, then you are correct. It will not be a global system of control connived by nation states, but rather by corporate and financial entities (who already enjoy enormous power and influence at all levels in all countries). I shall have to answer other questions when I return later today


[[[[QUIX: Do I believe 911 was in any way or degree a Moussad or CIA internal attack vs independent of USA terrorists.

I don't know what to believe. It's somewhat plausible in that I know our government has at least planned, if not executed such . . . attacks . . . during the Viet Nam war. The one I knew of most directly was vetoed by CINCPAC, thankfully.

I guess I blame the puppet masters easily and totally. How much they are infecting our USA government remains to be seen. But I think the US Senate is well controlled by the puppet masters along with the media; the UFO technologies etc. etc. etc.

I don't know what to make of the allegations of Israel's complicity in such. Logically plausible to a point.

We know Biblically that the king puppet master, the AntiChrist will convince Israel that he's The Messiah for at least 3.5 years. I don't know what duplicitous coerctions and games all such might be playing together might be.

I have long tried to get secretaries and others close to probable puppet masters--such workers who are FREEPERS--to quietly network together and routinely report when such people are 'on vacation' in remote areas etc. I think it would be important when the numbers of such people went way up!!!]]]]

[Qx: The following is interesting. Plausible to a point. I have no idea the degree of truth. There's certainly enough evil in high places for it.]

German guy 12/15/2004 7:08 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it, folks First of all, Clio, let me say I´m having great difficulty posting replies at the moment. There seems to be a long delay in submitting. Corporate interests across the board have a vested interest in causing a bigger crisis than 9-11. All of our findings point to a nuclear incident in one of the three cities I mentioned. Let´s refer to the people behind this as the "Hidden Hand". Who in the public eye is most closely identified with this Hidden Hand? Paul Wolfowitz. From whence does it draw its membership? Inter-services: CIA, military, mercenary (ex-SAS: British logistics and ex-CIA Latin America operatives); Mossad aka "al-Qaeda" (Muslim Brotherhood backed by the City of London power brokers). How is it financed? Laundered money (Cayman Isles up until 1999), Afghan and SA drug money, funds diverted from the military budget. What is their purpose? To collapse the US economy, suspend normal government and militarise American society (conscription) - in place of destroying Frankfurt´s finacial district which is home to the Central European Bank. What do they gain? In terms of politics, complete power and the sympathy of the world. It would then allow them to default on the national debt caused by huge budget deficits. At a personal level, the corporations of which key US admin would guarantee an income stream since many have already bailed out of US stocks. Who else gains? In the short term, the City of London financial super-class and Israel. Who loses? Almost everyone else. Please also note: We have reason to believe that many "terrorist" prisoners in US custody are being subjected to long periods of intense sensory deprivation and methods by which they acquire a new controlled personality. We think they are being programmed for something.

[Quix: The following is certainly disturbing tho far fetched to a point. The disturbing thing for me is that for months, I've had a concern, anxiety, hunch, impression--something--that HOUSTON would be nuked. We shall see. If it happens . . . buckle seat belts! Thankfully, when the enemy comes in like a flood--God WILL raise up a standard against him. Looks to be an increasingly interesting year!]

German guy 12/16/2004 1:39 pm EST Re: December 27 ... Expect "something big" ... This is it, folks Paul Wofowitz will authorise the detonation of a nuclear payload in the Houston area on December 27, 2004. The Hidden Hand network (Mossad/al-Qaeda/SAS) of which he is the nominal controller has verified in advance every aspect of operational integrity - a failsafe job with zero chance of discovery. Houston has been primed for months via deliberate mismanagement, incompetence, corruption and embezzlement at its FEMA-independent Emergency Center. The police and fire services have been deliberately and systematically sabotaged and thrown into administrative chaos so as to ensure maximum fatalities in the aftermath of the detonation. However, the existence of the center will provide the Bush administration with a "we did everything we could" excuse. We believe the Hidden Hand envisages the following scenario: 1. Detonation on Dec 27 (could be delayed, but all our intercepts point to this date) 2. The State Department blames "al-Qaeda", whose leaders are allegedly hiding in Iran 3. Iran (truthfully) denies giving refuge to said leaders 4. Bush issues Iran with a cowboy-style deadline for delivery of alleged leaders 5. Iran fails to comply because it cannot 6. UN convenes in emergency session - no agreement (Watch Ariel Sharon quietly flee to his private estate in Greece) 7. Other foreign intelligence agencies dispute the State Department version 8. Happily for Wolfowitz, Osama bin Laden releases a videotape claiming responsibility, warning America not to attack his "brave warriors" in Iran 9. American fighters launch a "decapitation" attack on the Iranian government and alleged "al-Qaeda" bases We know that the Wolfowitz network has concealed a remote-controlled nuclear payload in the Houston area. None of our intercepts give us exact coordinates. We have also heard the same code system used in regard to Atlanta and Dallas, although not with the same frequency. We believe that Mara Salvatruchas, the CIA-run Salvadora syndicate, is peripherally involved with the Wolfowitz network in protecting and running cover for a rogue ex-SAS British assassin who is perhaps the world´s leading logistics and reconnaisance expert. Last known as either Frank Riley or Terence Lawley, we believe that he was responsible for the murder of nuclear physicist John Mullen on June 29. Mullen was approached by a Hidden Hand contact man posing as a CIA agent at the behest of Wolfowitz on February 12, 2003, and was asked to provide the "CIA" with an hypothetical schematic of a remote-controlled, trunk-sized nuclear device with a payload "several times greater than ´Fat Man´" (in the interests of nationaly security). Mullen was told that the hypothetical impact area would be "a city the size of Houston". Mullen complied with this request but grew suspicious toward the end of 2003 and abruptly ended his cooperation. At the beginning of June, Mr Mullen decided to contact the staff of former National Security Adviser, Sandy Berger, with a view to discussing his CIA work with him. At the time Berger was too busy too see him immediately owing to his work as foreign policy adviser to John Kerry. We believe that this is what sealed the fate of Mr Mullen, as Sandy Berger does indeed have informal links to the Wolfowitz network and it is conceivable that Berger warned Hidden Hand. Incidentally, three weeks later Berger was charged by the FBI with the theft of critical documents from the National Archive relating to evidence that he had helped Wolfowitz facilitate the 9-11 attacks. Wolfowitz is also running a Mossad agent in the Houston area called Avner Meir, whose present status is unknown, but we believe he is currently holding a visitor´s visa. His job is to facilitate the smuggling of Muslims (any Muslims will do) across the Mexican border and provide them with accomodation and distress funds under the asuspices of a fake charitable organisation. We suspect that Meir, also a master forger, will provide the unwitting Muslims with forged US passports and driving licences, plenty of Muslim literature, commendations and enough money to be "seen and remembered". This was the basis of my discussions with American diplomatic personnel in Frankfurt yesterday, both of whom have been locked in secret discussions with the German government over, among many other things, their application for political refugee status in the event of making this known to the media. The far side of the CIA and Mossad have been ordered to drop any plans they may have had for bombing the financial district of Frankfurt, including the European Central Bank. The Wolfowitz Network has decided that the Houston detonation must take priority over everything else. All of our intercepts, field information and disclosures from former (and not so former!) US diplomatic personnel, tell us that the American people are being set up for another, but even more devastating, 9-11 tragedy in which a tiny group of people will gain enormously at the expense of the rest of the world.

3,953 posted on 12/21/2004 6:44:52 PM PST by Quix (5having a form of godliness but denying its power. I TIM 3:5)
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