Those votes belong in a bathroom - they're sh*t.
I hope the Republicans are keeping an eye on what's going on down there.
Bill Clinton wanted to be alone with them.
They can't make these things up!
The old "Ballots locked in the Private Bathroom" trick. What a bunch of sh**! When are close Kerry won state results going to be reviewed.
Ballots in the bathroom......alligators in the sewers.....
There should be a law against counting votes "found" in bathrooms or graveyards.
Will these knotheads ever finish counting their frickin votes already? Sheesh.
I'm feeling a bit disenfranchised at this point. I voted once- at the proper place, at the proper time, in the proper manner... yet my vote seems to be matched by people who either voted twice, voted late or don't exist.
So, can we conclude that "staff members" sat on the john while they made up ballots?
How the ballots got there:
Kerry Operative: Look, Tom, we're about 6500 votes short. we'll need a little boost here.
Election Official: 6500 votes?!? That's more than a little boost! We're in New-Freakin'-Mexico, not Chicago! Where in the hell am I gonna get 6500 votes? You want me to just pull them out of my a$$?
K.O.: Well, now that you mention it...
In the 2000 presidential election, a couple of boxes were "found" in this same county. I believe those ballots were found under a pew in a church that had been used as a voting place. This kind of crooked crap has been going on in this state forever. Bush's lead was too large this time to be stolen, but it wasn't for lack of trying.
Richardson is watching his chances of being Hill's Veep pick diminish as this state remains in G.W's column.
It explains his desperation of resorting to finding ballots in a bathroom. Only question is who will actually volunteer to count them.
I give up. I always thought us aussies and you guys had so much in common...but when I read about your election system and how you count your votes, well, the sh*te that goes on just leaves me confused and shaking my head. I mean, they do better in India, don't they? (Maybe even in Afghanistan, where ballot boxes are carted around by donkeys!)
When will your entire system finally be reformed?
This kind of c--p is making me sick! The more I hear about all this cheating going on in back rooms with these Rats hiding and stashing so called votes. It makes me question more than ever, it wasnt a close election at all in 2000! I beleive more than ever Gore didnt win NM in 2000 by 300 whatever votes. I believe evidence is becoming clear these RATS will do ''ANYTHING'' to try and win elections and we probably had a lot of states stolen from us in 2000,so the only good I can see out of all this is Republicans are going to have to keep an eagle eye on these cheaters for every fututre election and not let them get away with this stuff ever again!
Just damn.
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