Posted on 11/16/2004 1:25:00 PM PST by mystery-ak
Edited on 11/20/2004 5:28:58 AM PST by Admin Moderator. [history]
Prayers are needed for one of our American heroes. Last week a Blackhawk was shot down by an RBG north of Baghad. The RPG went through the bottom of the aircraft through the cockpit, taking off the pilots legs, and out the top to the rotor system. The co-pilot was able to land the chopper.
The pilot is staff officer Maj Tammy Duckwrth, HHC 1st Bn 106 Avn...she has been transported to Walter Reed and is now in danger of losing an arm.
Update (11/19/04):
Tammy is in ICU and will be there for several more weeks. She is heavily sedated and periodically fights through the sedation and opens her eyes, her mother is there with her. Her color, temp and heart rate has returned to normal but is being kept on a breathing tube as she will have surgeries about every other day to repair her legs. Next week the doctors are going to begin to rebuild the bones in her arm. They are using new cutting edge equipment which has recently passed some clinical/prototypical type testing, in fact, Tammy will be the first they have used this on. She is getting a viable blood supply to her arm, but the nerve bundles have been greatly damaged.
Barring any infection, the wonderful doctors assure us she will survive. One thing that saved her life was her body armor, she had no internal injuries...amazing!
Once again, thank you all for your prayers.
Agreeing in prayer.
Prayers sent for Tammy.
If you have anymore to add or any update, please post here.
Prayer sent.
I will look through my stuff from my stay at Walter Reed and try and post an address later, Thank you all for your prayers.
Please post your replies to mystery-ak
mystery-ak, My prayers go up for this young woman; an American Hero. Lord, please provide her with complete recovery, comfort and peace. Surround her with your love. Lead her medical team to know just what is needed. In Jesus' precious name. Amen
HiJinx, Meek- thank you for the pings.
If you want on/off my prayer ping list, please let me know. All requests happily honored.
There have been a number of prayer requests for many reasons lately. I wanted to include all who are dealing with hard times for what ever reason. All need our prayers but especially the military.
Urgent prayers on the way.
Once again.....Thanks for all your prayers.....right now Im so mad I could scream....we have heroes like this injured or killed everyday, but our MSM is more concerned about a terrorist that a Marine shot...
Prayers for the very courageous Maj Tammy Duckworth.
All of our brave men and women need your guidance and protection, Lord.
Please, give special consideration to Major Duckworth and her needs. Heal her and help her get strong again. I hope and pray her faith sustains her and her family.
We ought not assume that the country is buying into anything coming from the left.
We're here supporting our military, our leaders, and praying constantly for the safety of our troops and their families.
Don't let the MSM get away with suggesting that the american people support their views.
Agree with the anger and its cause. MSM is unrepentant.
Thank you, and thank you for your service to our country! Proud of ya!!
God is with her and will give her the strength to deal with what has happened and anything will happen in the future.
The website has an address where "Americans that care" can send Get Well and Thank You cards to our combat wounded in the Combat Support Hospitals. The address is: Operation AC, Attn: Wounded Soldier Cards, 560 Peoples Plaza, Box 121, Newark, DE 19702. If you have the time, I'm sure the troops would greatly appreciate your wishes for a speedy recovery.
I know, you are correct as usual....Im just venting...Freepers are the best!!!!
Tammy will certainly be in my nightly prayers. May the good Lord guide her medical team, and watch over her as she faces this new life.
God Bless her.
You are an important part of this place so feel free to curse the'll have plenty of company!!!
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