His whole speech was about how the WWII was the greatest generation and there never will be another one, how Bush won the Florida election through the Supreme Court and was selected, that today's students will not go near as far as the greatest generation, war in Iraq was wrong and those are the just the highlights or lowlights that I prefer to call them. I was really disgusted during the speech after he finished trashing the President. That doesn't even include the fact that the speech didn't flow at all -- never did figure out a theme except this class shouldn't reach for greatness but just give up (my son's words).
I actually did that to Leonard Nimoy at a Star Trek convention back in 1992. The con was 3 days prior to the General Election and he started dissing 41. I was standing next to the stage and in front of about 500 ppl, I did an abrupt turn, marched back to the middle aisle through the chairs, turned back up toward the stage and marched out the door. We weren't there to listen to politics and I was insulted that he would use the medium to make a politcal point so close to the election.
I remember that - I was all over that thread. Glad to see that the OU faithful remebered his speech as well, and gave him what he deserved for making it. What kind of arrogant jackass comes into town, trashes the President and the graduating class he's addressing, pockets 75 Gs for his vile spew, and then not only returns, but makes a big deal out of announcing his return? What did he think, that everyone was going to forget what he said and toss him bouquets?
Figures. All the Rats like Carter and Clinton constantly claim our best days are behind us. Of course, if we keep electing people like them, they truly are. I like Reagan's shining city on the hill myself.
Sounds like Tom hasn't kept up on his reading. According to some pundits, the current generation just starting to leave college (so-called "Millennials") is very much like the "Greatest Generation".
Nice synopsis, thanks. [Even the synopsis turned my stomach, what a jerk.]