Idiots. What goes up, must come down.
Just before I left for work, the MSNBC guys were discussing what the velocity of the returning bullets would be. I think they said that they can reach 120 mph on the way back down, and cause jagged wounds because of the tumbling of the bullet as it falls.
The Palis are idiots. They want a country but can't even behave themselves at a funeral.
The sad thing for the Palestinians is that Arafat never wanted a state. His priority was to ensure the destruction of Israel.
Arafat in the next life.
Now that he's buried, I hope he's alive again.
Usually they put dead people on a platter and carry then down the street.
Reminds me of the orgy that occured when Nasser was buried
I was kind of hoping there would be a "coffin swarm" like the Ayatollah's funeral, when the box opened and the contents spilled out and a mob of "faithful" all grabbed body parts for souvenirs.
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Arab leaders (L to R) Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, Abdelaziz Bouteflika of Algeria (partially hidden), President Hosni Mubarak (news - web sites) of Egypt, President Ben Ali of Tunisia and PLO Secretary General Mahmoud Abbas follow the horse-drawn gun carriage carrying the coffin of former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat (news - web sites) in Cairo, November 12, 2004. Presidents and dignitaries from more than 50 countries say a last farewell on Friday to late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat in Egypt, his second home and one of his closest allies in years of struggle for a homeland. REUTERS/Jerry Lampen
Typical Yahoo. They often hide the reality of where many of their stories come from.
This is a Reuters story. Reuters loved Arafat, the mass murdering Islamofacist thug and portrays GW as a War Criminal.
Below is the headline and the Reuters link which can be found if we go a little deeper into Yahoo story.
Arafat Buried in Chaotic Scenes in West Bank
1 hour, 27 minutes ago Top Stories - Reuters
By Diala Saadeh and Cynthia Johnston
RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) -
O Prophet! urge the believers to war; if there are twenty patient ones of you they shall overcome two hundred... (8:65)
Surely the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who disbelieve (8:55)
Welcome to the Wonderful World of AIDS.
Don't be so hard not everybody could be Einstein LOL!
I was hoping that IDF helicopter pay their last respect if you know what I mean and I think you do to Arafat
Ya know, when you watch how these people act it's kinda hard to tell whether or not they really liked this bastard. Could be they're too stupid to know the difference.
THIRD holiest? Are you kidding me? How overrated!
Come on, anyone who has seen al-Aqsa knows that it deserves no better than sixth or seventh, even with their new gift shop. Prophet's Mosque in Madinah and the Dome of the Rock, al-Aqsa's crosstown rival, would beat al-Aqsa handily, especially on a neutral field. I'll take Ethopia's Harar (which is nothing but a "party shrine," anyway) and lay the points to al-Aqsa!
Granted, al-Aqsa has the momentum from the "Arafat factor" but still, no way they withstand the zeal of the imams at Umayyad Great Mosque in Damascus OR the Great Mosque in Kairouan, Tunisia.
Third, my ass.
And there was heard a collective "Ewwwwwwww" from the 70 virgins...