In return for your irrevocable renunciation of your United States citizenship That's my favorite part. I don't want them to keep their U.S. citizenship. This way they lose their right to vote here.
Communists: Cuba or North Korea Sounds like a good place for Michael (NO) Moore!
1 posted on
11/11/2004 7:35:50 AM PST by
To: Pfesser
Someone with a DU account post this website on the DU quick. We gotta help these poor lost souls find a place where they can fit in.
2 posted on
11/11/2004 7:39:25 AM PST by
(Anti-social and anti-socialist)
To: Pfesser
Did the dirigiblesque Alec Baldwin make plans to leave this time?
To: Pfesser
Maybe Madonna has some extra room in her UK mansion to put up these poor political refugees for a few months till they find their way!!
Do you think Madonna would let them use her bathroom?
4 posted on
11/11/2004 7:40:11 AM PST by
(I drank gin last night! My head hurts!)
To: Pfesser
I'm gonna move to Tasmania and fade away from this world; the fact that Europe is itching for confrontation (against us) is making me ill.
5 posted on
11/11/2004 7:42:22 AM PST by
To: Pfesser
"Like America, Bridgeport was all immigrants Italians, Poles, Irish, Africans, Puerto Ricans, Portuguese. Yet there was no racial or ethnic tension, at least among the kids. We were bonded by the fact that our parents worked hard jobs.
"In school we said the Pledge of Allegiance and in summer marched in parades on streets decorated with American flags," Enter Muslims and Lefties...
6 posted on
11/11/2004 7:42:47 AM PST by
To: Pfesser
Yet another dude who enjoyed Paris in the fall.
7 posted on
11/11/2004 7:43:39 AM PST by
O.C. - Old Cracker
(When the cracker gets old, you wind up with Old Cracker. - O.C.)
To: Pfesser
Packing off the liberals. A noble cause and worthy of our wholehearted support. It'll be hard making do with fewer street artists, ceramicists, lesbian poetesses, aromatherapists, and mimes but we'll find a way I'm sure. (Sighs.)
11 posted on
11/11/2004 7:55:35 AM PST by
(Their women give good lamentation, maybe we can conquer them again sometime.)
To: Pfesser
Have there been very many takers of this deal yet? Any?
Because it may just be one of the most worthy charities in the world. So few people get all that they wish for, or even a decent portion. Of course, many people have a tendency to wish a LOT.
To: Pfesser
>Paris in the fall
You can tell it's fall because Paris is wearing heavy winter clothes . . . | is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson