Sitting near the phone - waiting for the Arafat endorsement before he assumes room temperature...
That odious stench will never be my President.
Bring . . . . it . . . . on!
I do believe I'll back Sean Hannity on this one as stated yesterday on Hannity and Colmes, "Hillary Clinton will NEVER win a NATIONAL vote!!!"
Oh, please, please, please....
After seeing how the left wing radicals screwed the Party this year, the moderates would be wise to avoid the Hill like the plague. Running Hillary will gaurantee another 4 years for the Republicans.
Bring "the Pantsuit" on!
Then she better hurry up and join the Marines and volunteer for a tour or two in Vietnam, since that is the new criteria for being a Dem media star.
As the world is right now, not a snowballs chance in hell. How would she fight the WOT? With spitballs?
If you thought Kerry was a lousy campaigner....
Why not prep us with a (Barf) alert? It's too shocking this early in the day :)
Oh, please....dont bring that woman up so soon after such a sweet victory...
NOT IN MY LIFETIME! I'm only 51.
< /sarcasm >
What concerns me is that if people hear this over and over they might start to believe it, making it easy for her to graciously accept. Even Fox talking about it this morning? I'm trying not to use her name and president together until she says she is going to run. JMO
Thundercalves will be more fun than Dukakis, Kerry, and the bent one put together, can't wait.
Defeating Hillary in '08 will be the last nail in the coffin of the corrupt Democrat Party.
Any fear I ever had of Cankles is now and forever, confidently GONE.
Look at what happened in this great country two days ago. Americans are mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore. IT'S TAKE BACK TIME in this great country, and SCUM THE LIKES OF CANKLES ARE NOT PART OF THIS AWAKENED COUNTRY'S PLANS.
The Democrats need to spend a lot of time in the mirror, and lifting shirts to navel-gaze, and figure out what the HELL is wrong with them that they SMELL AND TASTE SO BAD to the American Public.
I think that they're figuring out that they have to BUNKER BUST their party, and START ANEW. And start with some PRINCIPLES, MORALS, and MAINSTREAM, FORWARD LOOKING, positive, inspiring IDEAS and GOALS.
That means BUNKER BUSTING McCauliffe and his FACE WART HILLARY.
Not a chance. American's will not put her in power unless the Republicans put up a lousy lousy lousy candidate. I assume that Mr. Cheney will not run due to his heart so who's it gonna be?
In addition - we should read Zel's latest article posted here today. It would require a radical change in Mrs. Clinton's entire party in addition to America electing a woman - something I'm not sure we're ready to do. Particularly in light of the current war on terror... who knows what we'll face in that regards these next four years.
Has anyone got the photo of her wearing that pantsuit and dark sunglasses? She kinda emulates Big Brother.