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Father, it is with overwhelming JOY and THANKSGIVING that we come to You today, thanking You for the victory You have given our President and the American people in his reelection! Lord, we have prayed faithfully for this to occur because we so desire that this nation come back to You and Your principles and truth, and yet we know that in many ways we have not been faithful and have fallen short. We know, dear Lord, that You have shown this nation great mercy in granting us the desires of our hearts and the desire of the President's heart, and we are overflowing with joy because You have heard and answered our prayers, and his.

Father, as we have heard, the majority of people who voted for the President yesterday stated morality as the quality he possessed that they wanted in a President. We have sensed that You are working among Your people in this nation, and we have felt Your leading to pray for a revival among us. And Lord, we have all felt the burden to pray daily for the Godly leader You have given us.

We pray for him at this moment, that You would grant him peace and rest after a grueling campaign. We ask that You would give him time with his family that would renew him. We ask that You might help him to know how deeply he is loved and respected by Your children throughout this land, and that he might continue to feel the power of prayer undergirding him every moment of every day in the next four years.

We ask that You might keep him faithful in studying Your word and spending time 'on bended knee' asking for Your guidance and wisdom in accomplishing the great task You have set before him. We know that he seeks Your strength and power, and stands humbly before You as Your servant. We pray that his life might be filled with abundant love and blessing because he has been faithful to You. We ask that You might continue to protect his life, both body and spirit, as he encounters the enemies of this country, both foreign and domestic.

We ask that You might give him the wisdom to know how best to protect America from evil doers who seek to destroy us, and in doing that we pray for the protection of the brave men and women in our military who are serving in the cause of freedom in harm's way in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Father, be at work in Iraq as they prepare for their first free election, as You were in Afghanistan, protecting them as they seek to develop their fledgling democracies. Lord, we know that the Gospel of Your love can now flourish in those dark lands because of the freedom brought to them through the resolve of our President and our military, and we ask that You might be at work among them.

Father, we are also overwhelmed tonight at the tremendous victories all over America of those candidates who stand for life and decency over those who do not. We pray for those members in Congress who have been hostile toward President Bush that they might be humbled and willing to work toward the principles that are best for this nation. We pray as well for the President's cabinet, and ask that the team that will serve You best would be called to lead us in the coming years. And even now, we ask that You might be at work in the election that will follow in 2008, that a leader who honors You would rise up in the Republican party, so that Your principles and laws might be furthered in the many years ahead of us.

Dear Father, once again we thank You from the depths of our beings for the great victory You granted us yesterday, and we ask that this nation would be obedient to Your will for us. In the strong Name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen!

1 posted on 11/03/2004 6:42:39 PM PST by ohioWfan
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To: Krodg; Zechariah11; LuvyaDubya; Paul_B; Howlin; alpha-8-25-02; BlessedAmerican; texasflower; ...

Please come and pray with us!

2 posted on 11/03/2004 6:45:20 PM PST by ohioWfan (BUSH 2004 - A VICTORY for AMERICA!!!)
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To: ohioWfan

AMEN and AMEN!!!

3 posted on 11/03/2004 6:46:44 PM PST by kimchi lover (NeoCon and proud of it!)
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To: ohioWfan

Dear Lord...Thankyou for watching over the presidency by allowing your servant George W. Bush to be re-elected. Father, we pray that you would grant him your wisdom, spiritual understanding, and discernment, along with your blessings, mercy and grace...Thankyou Lord Jeus! AMEN!

6 posted on 11/03/2004 6:52:09 PM PST by Rander7 (an update)
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To: ohioWfan
amen. and thank you Lord for all your blessings & this wonderful election victory.
please continue to guide and inspire our president, his cabinet & congress. please continue to bless our country, our military men & women & their families. we ask this in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit. amen.
7 posted on 11/03/2004 6:55:02 PM PST by kim r.
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To: ohioWfan

Amen! :)

10 posted on 11/03/2004 7:08:28 PM PST by PureSolace (A Conservative bases his politics from his morals, and a Liberal bases his morals from his politics.)
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To: ohioWfan

agreeing in prayer.

Thank you Father God for your mercies bestowed on us, your people. President Bush is a gift, and we pray you will bless him, speak to him, give him grace, and favor all over the land.

In Jesus' name,

11 posted on 11/03/2004 7:09:19 PM PST by SnarlinCubBear (We have four more years to restore sanity to our nation)
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To: ohioWfan

agreeing in prayer.

Thank you Father God for your mercies bestowed on us, your people. President Bush is a gift, and we pray you will bless him, speak to him, give him grace, and favor all over the land.

In Jesus' name,

12 posted on 11/03/2004 7:10:21 PM PST by SnarlinCubBear (We have four more years to restore sanity to our nation)
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To: ohioWfan

I am not one to use this expression much, but it is fitting here: Glory to God. ________________________________________________

Father, Lord God in Heaven.

We approach Thee humbly, but quite thankfully. You have done us a huge favor, and we thank You so much for it.

Sharing John Calvin's comments on Luke 1:46

It is God's fatherly kindness alone, and the salvation flowing from it, that fill the soul with joy. In a word, the first thing necessary for believers is, to be able to rejoice that they have their salvation in God. The next ought to follow, that, having experienced God to be a kind Father, they may "offer to him thanksgiving,"

We thank Thee that a good and righteous, God-fearing man was elected to the White House. Praise Your Name.

Our work in prayer continues, Father. We now ask that you bless the President with success in his battles for the Supreme Court, the Anwar oil fields in Alaska, the War on Terrorism, his policy and defeat of dictatorships in Iran, North Korea, and Cuba. Thank you, Lord, thank you so much for hearing our prayers, for blessing our President, and for blessing America.

13 posted on 11/03/2004 7:13:26 PM PST by Zechariah11
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To: ohioWfan
Praying your prayer aloud in agreement with you, ohio. I thank God for all the prayer warriors who came forward to pray during this spiritual battle and for all Blogger's efforts to organize us in our vigil. Perhaps one day in heaven the Lord will reveal to us the significance of our prayers during this critical time.

Holy Father, Our hearts are filled to overflowing with love for You and gratitude for Your mighty works. May Your Glorious and Excellent Name be praised from the highest mountains to the depths of the seas, for You alone are worthy of all honor, glory, praise and blessing. We are confident that You, O Lord, will fully equip our President for the next four years of service to You, and we pray that he will glorify Your Name as he remains steadfast and secure in the center of Your Will. In the Name of Jesus Christ, we exalt You, Great God. Amen.

Psalm 116: 1, 2 - I love the LORD, because He has heard my voice and my supplications. Because He has inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live.

14 posted on 11/03/2004 7:17:04 PM PST by Faith
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To: ohioWfan

Praying with you tonight OhioW. Praise and thanks be to God!


16 posted on 11/03/2004 7:25:21 PM PST by prairiebreeze (How Sweet It IS!!!!!.)
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To: ohioWfan

I realize I don't post often here, I just wanted to thank you all who faithfully create these threads to remind us to pray.

A day doesn't pass without sending up a silent prayer on behalf of this president and our nation.

May God bless you all greatly for your faithfulness.

18 posted on 11/03/2004 7:36:05 PM PST by swheats
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To: ohioWfan; All

When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices, And when the wicked perish, there is joyful shouting. - Pr 11:10

Lord, Your faithfulness amazes me. To actually see the tide of battle turned by Your hand is an awesome thing.

The American people chose George W. Bush yesterday, and what's more, they chose him for the right reasons. It was not because he's a great debater, or a natural speaker, but rather for the character, values and vision he holds with obvious integrity, that he won a strong plurality. In sum, this election glorified not man, but You. Hallelujah!

Which brings me to my problem: I don't have nearly enough faith. But the good news is that You use circumstances like the one we just passed through to give us our hind's feet and set us on our high places. Please continue to do exactly that for Your church, until we attain to mature Christlikeness. We want to be closer and more pleasing to You, and we want to be more effective.

And what a joy it has been to see Your church regularly come together, with all its diversity of giftings, to edify itself in You. This too is Your explicit will for us, and it is our delight to see it come to pass.

Important as it is, what we have achieved today is one milestone among many in our continuing journey. You have extended mercy and grace when we asked for it, and now it is incumbent upon us to move forward. The president has a mandate and bold plans, but resistance is sure to be great.

This year will be known as the one in which Old Media died. They have lost virtually all credibility. But the problem is they will not admit it yet, and are sure to fight to hold onto their ability to shape worldviews.

The leaders of the Democrat Party, which has aligned itself with abortion, sexual license, and group entitlements, will also cling to their personal power, though to do so is destructive not only to their Party but to the nation as well.

The terrorists in Iraq have seen the handwriting on the wall, but we can expect them to fight on for a season out of sheer desperation.

So though we have made great progress, we will have much to do. The work progresses at all levels, from the Oval Office to the children's bedside prayers. Help us to remain faithful, each at his own station, to keep Your kingdom moving forward.

Please protect the president and all near him, physically and spiritually.

Please guide our troops to great success. Comfort all who have suffered loss.

Continue the Holy Spirit's work in hearts, to melt resistance and to lead to repentance and salvation. Keep working all things for the good; bring the world to great revival.

Thank you, Lord, for all Your goodness toward us. Most of all, thank You for Your Love, for Jesus' redeeming Sacrifice, and for the precious Gift of the Holy Spirit.

21 posted on 11/03/2004 7:37:31 PM PST by Paul_B
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To: ohioWfan; Kitty Mittens; All

Father, thank you for shining your light into the hearts and minds of millions of people to carry President Bush to victory.

Thank you for the gift of your guidance to President Bush; thank you for inspiring him to be such a decent man, a loving husband and father, and a strong leader.

I pray that the President's opponents will reflect on their loss and come to understand why they were defeated. Their intentions and their methods were contrary to you and your laws.

Thank you Lord for the mercy you have shown this nation.


22 posted on 11/03/2004 7:37:39 PM PST by Spotsy (Congratulations President Bush and Vice President Cheney!)
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To: ohioWfan

Praise and thanksgiving to our God for hearing and anwering our prayers. We will continue to pray for his blessing and his guidance over our dear brother in Christ, President Bush

27 posted on 11/03/2004 7:40:49 PM PST by bella1
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To: ohioWfan
Amen,........Infinite Grace and Mercy,.......In Jesus' Precious Name, Amen!!!

(Romans chapters 9-10)

36 posted on 11/03/2004 7:53:42 PM PST by maestro
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To: ohioWfan; All
Beautiful prayer, dear sister Ohio.

Most Merciful Master,

We come before You with Rejoicing hearts this day, our hearts bursting with Gratitude and Praise for the Incredible Gift with which You have Graced us. You have Granted to us the One Thing that we as an ungodly Nation did not deserve: a man after Your Own Heart, Given to us through Grace, to Rule over America in Righteousness and Truth. We Worship You, Dearest Master, for taking Pity on Your cherished ones, for not suffering us to labor beneath the ungodly rule of a man of Belial! You have spared us many things, by Your Mercy alone, including several wicked Supreme Court Appointments our adversary would have gleefully made. How can we Thank You enough, O God Who has Compassion upon Your sheep? Thank You from our souls for sparing us four years of unimagined, untold horror and ungodliness!

Our Powerful Sovereign, we joyfully lift our brother-President before You now, Thanking You, Sweet King, Praising You for not taking him away! On our faces, we will Adore Thee for Thy Goodness to us all; how Marvellous, our brother is still our cherished President! May Your Spirit of Righteousness, Wisdom and Discernment fill Him anew; may his Blessings be Abundant, and his Godliness only Increase. Cause Him to walk every moment in the Strength of our God, that he will be Invincible in the Power and Might of the Highest. And fill his enemies, Al Quaida, with the Fear of Great Jehovah, that they will know that the God of George Bush is the True and the Only God.

O Commander of Heavenly Armies, Impart Divine Power to our Military, Securing them from all evil, and Enfolding them in Your Grace. We Plead Your Sovereign Protection over them, over our President, and over our Nation, and we ask for Your Salvation to come soon to Your beloved People of Israel. We Worship You, Royal Master, and Give Thee the Glory due Thy Name, and we pray in that Dear Name of Jesus Christ, amen.

40 posted on 11/03/2004 9:12:07 PM PST by Kitty Mittens
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To: All
"May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever Amen."

We continue dear Jesus, to give You praise for the great victory You have achieved for us. We have been guilty of many transgressions against You, but Lo and behold You still love us and care for us. How can we repay You for all You have given us?.... .We will strive to praise You with all our hearts. We will declare Your wondrous deeds, for our enemies have stumbled and must pay their price. Keep us in Your favor, bless our President Bush, that he may continue to first seek Thee before embarking on any plans....In Jesus' name we pray

55 posted on 11/04/2004 1:08:01 PM PST by ejo
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