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To: Pete; hapy
Ask and ye shall receive (sorry for the profanity, but I couldn't edit it all out:

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Lobby / Latest General Discussion: Fighting and Acrimony
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VolcanoJen (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:07 AM
Original message

Breaking now.

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  Replies to this thread:
  X f*ck.  wickywom   Nov-03-04 11:08 AM   #1 
  X What we do now...  jfalchion   Nov-03-04 11:49 AM   #115 
  X i feel sick  JI7   Nov-03-04 11:08 AM   #2 
  X is it true? or could MSNBC be lying?  Ruby Romaine   Nov-03-04 11:08 AM   #3 
  X No, FOX AIR saying same thing.  seraph   Nov-03-04 11:09 AM   #8 
  X It's an unconfirmed report from the Associated Press.  VolcanoJen   Nov-03-04 11:09 AM   #9 
  X NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!  maddezmom   Nov-03-04 11:12 AM   #26 
  X NBC News has now confirmed that Kerry has conceded to Bush.  VolcanoJen   Nov-03-04 11:12 AM   #25 
  X At least your post stuck.  seraph   Nov-03-04 11:09 AM   #4 
  X NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  rndmprsn   Nov-03-04 11:09 AM   #5 
  X Good bye America  DoYouEverWonder   Nov-03-04 11:09 AM   #6 
  X Land of the FREE?>  bluedog   Nov-03-04 11:10 AM   #15 
  X "Hello Amerika"  Plain old Doug   Nov-03-04 11:19 AM   #65 
  X fuck!  GRLMGC   Nov-03-04 11:09 AM   #7 
  X Well now we know why they were so generous with their communications  BurtWorm   Nov-03-04 11:10 AM   #10 
  X It's all over now, Baby Blue  deutsey   Nov-03-04 11:10 AM   #11 
  X Damn!  Ms.Victory   Nov-03-04 11:10 AM   #12 
  X No retreat, no surrender?!?!  Melinda   Nov-03-04 11:10 AM   #13 
  X He HAD to do that.....  frogfromthenorth2   Nov-03-04 11:10 AM   #14 
  X You again?!  mac56   Nov-03-04 11:12 AM   #22 
     X Not at all SIR. I am not. As I said I am pissed off. But not at Bush or  frogfromthenorth2   Nov-03-04 11:13 AM   #31 
        X Agreed  lancdem   Nov-03-04 11:15 AM   #45 
        X Thanks... for once a voice of reason!  frogfromthenorth2   Nov-03-04 11:16 AM   #51 
        X And I'm pissed off at a party  kegler14   Nov-03-04 11:26 AM   #83 
        X Thats my beef also...  Sugarbleus   Nov-03-04 11:35 AM   #102 
  X so much for no surrender, no retreat  WI_DEM   Nov-03-04 11:11 AM   #16 
  X (If True..) Fuck you Kerry.  Teaser   Nov-03-04 11:11 AM   #17 
  X I'm so fucking disappointed.  Skinner   Nov-03-04 11:11 AM   #18 
  X Just get mad.  Teaser   Nov-03-04 11:12 AM   #23 
     X I happen to agree with that theory. Anger is power  Sugarbleus   Nov-03-04 11:38 AM   #106 
  X no-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-!  phylla   Nov-03-04 11:11 AM   #19 
  X Where are our Thomas Jeffersons, George Washingtons, James Madisons  GreenPartyVoter   Nov-03-04 11:11 AM   #20 
  X all dead in small plane crashes.  uncle ray   Nov-03-04 11:35 AM   #101 
  X BUSH IS TOAST AND ANYONE WHO IS WORRIED SUCKS!!!!!  Selwynn   Nov-03-04 11:11 AM   #21 
  X Worriers do suck still.  Teaser   Nov-03-04 11:13 AM   #29 
  X No, it got me not-devastated on election day and kept me...  Selwynn   Nov-03-04 11:21 AM   #72 
     X I know  GRLMGC   Nov-03-04 11:28 AM   #91 
  X Good one! Thanks for the smile  Bucky   Nov-03-04 11:15 AM   #41 
  X I'm so sorry, everyone. I love you all so much.  VolcanoJen   Nov-03-04 11:12 AM   #24 
  X back at you Jen and all my fellow DUers  maddezmom   Nov-03-04 11:15 AM   #43 
  X Don't stop fighting!! Let's stick together, DUers!  VolcanoJen   Nov-03-04 11:18 AM   #64 
  X Me too. didn't find DU til this time last year...  Sugarbleus   Nov-03-04 11:43 AM   #109 
  X I'll be here.  Stevie D   Nov-03-04 11:17 AM   #53 
  X I am worn out but I will try  ps1074   Nov-03-04 11:18 AM   #57 
  X I love all of DU, too. You guys saved my life.  Kukesa   Nov-03-04 11:26 AM   #84 
  X I'm numb......  JPace   Nov-03-04 11:12 AM   #27 
  X That;s how I felt last night.  L.A.dweller   Nov-03-04 11:14 AM   #35 
  X wait! check this out!  Kerry212   Nov-03-04 11:12 AM   #28 
  X Link, please!  LongTomH   Nov-03-04 11:15 AM   #46 
  X Good God  Z_I_Peevey   Nov-03-04 11:13 AM   #30 
  X before I go ballistic...  Neecy   Nov-03-04 11:13 AM   #32 
  X His Reasoning  RobinA   Nov-03-04 11:15 AM   #47 
     X lol  frogfromthenorth2   Nov-03-04 11:18 AM   #59 
  X Unfiltered on AAR  benito   Nov-03-04 11:13 AM   #33 
  X Just get mad.  hnsez   Nov-03-04 11:14 AM   #34 
  X exactly!!  Kerry212   Nov-03-04 11:15 AM   #42 
  X It's done. CNN just reportedit. 1:00 speech from Fanueil hall  mdhunter   Nov-03-04 11:14 AM   #36 
  X did they use any skull and bones mumbo-jumbo?  Algorem   Nov-03-04 11:14 AM   #37 
  X Unbelieveable!!  WI_DEM   Nov-03-04 11:14 AM   #38 
  X I am so disgusted.  Tomee450   Nov-03-04 11:14 AM   #39 
  X Oh God...I'm Dying!!!  Greylyn58   Nov-03-04 11:15 AM   #40 
  X Fuck this shit  makhno   Nov-03-04 11:15 AM   #44 
  X I just heard....  LiberalManiacfromOC   Nov-03-04 11:15 AM   #48 
  X Not enough provisional ballots, maybe?  Hephaistos   Nov-03-04 11:21 AM   #70 
     X Likely less than 160k provisional ballots  Hephaistos   Nov-03-04 11:28 AM   #93 
  X Why do we always back  Wilber_Stool   Nov-03-04 11:15 AM   #49 
  X Trying not to be bitter, but...  Wife_of_a_Wes_Freak   Nov-03-04 11:17 AM   #56 
  X Same shit different day  Politicub   Nov-03-04 11:16 AM   #50 
  X The terrorists won? WTF?  MsUnderstood   Nov-03-04 11:18 AM   #62 
     X Yes ...  WillTheGoober   Nov-03-04 11:24 AM   #80 
     X But the Amerikan people voted for the real Terrorist - GWB...  Dhalgren   Nov-03-04 11:28 AM   #88 
  X Sad Day.  WillTheGoober   Nov-03-04 11:16 AM   #52 
  X Couldn't agree more...  WarhammerTwo   Nov-03-04 11:47 AM   #113 
  X fuck this  SheepyMcSheepster   Nov-03-04 11:17 AM   #54 
  X WHY???? WHY?????  Moonbeam_Starlight   Nov-03-04 11:17 AM   #55 
  X Thats what I want to know. Why?  shance   Nov-03-04 11:19 AM   #67 
  X My thoughts exactly nt  Cornus   Nov-03-04 11:44 AM   #110 
  X *plays Taps*  Soth   Nov-03-04 11:18 AM   #58 
  X Good God  Katarina   Nov-03-04 11:18 AM   #60 
  X What about Us....What about us.....eom  KoKo01   Nov-03-04 11:26 AM   #81 
  X A divided house cannot stand  neohippie   Nov-03-04 11:18 AM   #61 
  X God's President ...  WillTheGoober   Nov-03-04 11:21 AM   #74 
  X how can you say  clintonlover   Nov-03-04 11:55 AM   #119 
  X I believed in this guy.  nothingshocksmeanymore   Nov-03-04 11:18 AM   #63 
  X So next time can we run a candidate who might actually win?  scmirage   Nov-03-04 11:20 AM   #68 
  X I did too  GRLMGC   Nov-03-04 11:21 AM   #71 
  X Me too... made myself accept him, then learned to believe in him.  Wife_of_a_Wes_Freak   Nov-03-04 11:21 AM   #73 
  X HE OWES US A FUCKING EXPLAINATION!!!!  obreaslan   Nov-03-04 11:19 AM   #66 
  X He may be, but I'm not conceding  Winter1979   Nov-03-04 11:20 AM   #69 
  X "No surrender" my ass  deutsey   Nov-03-04 11:22 AM   #75 
  X I am so pissed. Just wrote to kerry.  hangemhigh   Nov-03-04 11:22 AM   #76 
  X I'll believe it when I see a link  republicansareevil   Nov-03-04 11:22 AM   #77 
  X Here - AP story.  yellowcanine   Nov-03-04 11:24 AM   #79 
  X Calm down people. The votes still get counted. Kerry had to do it.  yellowcanine   Nov-03-04 11:23 AM   #78 
  X Kerry did not "have to" concede.  Dhalgren   Nov-03-04 11:35 AM   #103 
  X I believe John Kerry is trying to head off the violence and hatred  cubsfan forever   Nov-03-04 11:41 AM   #108 
  X Kerry sold us out -- Damn You, Kerry, you took my contributions under...  nodictators   Nov-03-04 11:26 AM   #82 
  X That's a kick in the guts I didn't see coming  Monica_L   Nov-03-04 11:26 AM   #85 
  X ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!  kayell   Nov-03-04 11:27 AM   #86 
  X GL  BurgerMeister   Nov-03-04 11:27 AM   #87 
  X Unbelievable!  cat_girl25   Nov-03-04 11:28 AM   #89 
  X He just told 54,782,697 Americans  Neo   Nov-03-04 11:28 AM   #90 
  X Well, now we pick up the pieces...  Godhumor   Nov-03-04 11:28 AM   #92 
  X What people are you talking about?  Dhalgren   Nov-03-04 11:48 AM   #114 
  X Good God Almighty....he's CONCEDING...I had to come back on  Sugarbleus   Nov-03-04 11:29 AM   #94 
  X Some "Closer"  Touchdown   Nov-03-04 11:30 AM   #95 
  X Not watching anymore  Marianne   Nov-03-04 11:30 AM   #96 
  X Well,at least we will be able to make fun of the results of repub hegemony  norml   Nov-03-04 11:31 AM   #97 
  X Pick up the pieces and start over.  mojavekid   Nov-03-04 11:33 AM   #98 
  X Popular Vote  WillTheGoober   Nov-03-04 11:33 AM   #99 
  X You're looking at the reason the Democrats will keep losing  pbl   Nov-03-04 11:34 AM   #100 
  X WHAT? WHY?  Steelangel   Nov-03-04 11:35 AM   #104 
  X fuck  uppityperson   Nov-03-04 11:35 AM   #105 
  X I don't understand how this can happen to America in 2004  sloppyliberal   Nov-03-04 11:40 AM   #107 
  X Add to this their gains in the House and Senate.  ieoeja   Nov-03-04 11:45 AM   #111 
  X Here we go again.  bklyncowgirl   Nov-03-04 11:47 AM   #112 
  X GOD DAMN IT KERRY YOU FUCKING PUSSY ASS BASTARD!!!!!!!!!  Kerry in 04   Nov-03-04 11:52 AM   #116 
  X I hear you  makhno   Nov-03-04 11:54 AM   #117 
  X W...what?  air napkin   Nov-03-04 11:54 AM   #118 

wickywom (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:08 AM
Response to Original message
1. f*ck.

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jfalchion (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:49 AM
Response to Reply #1
115. What we do now...

The Rising of the Moon


Oh, then tell me Sean O'Farrell,
tell me why you hurry so.
Hush me Buchall hush and listen,
and his cheeks were all a-glow.
I bear orders from the captain,
Get you ready quick and soon,
For the pikes must be together
By the Rising of the Moon.

By the Rising of the Moon,
By the Rising of the Moon,
For the pikes must be together
By the Rising of the Moon.

Oh, then tell me Sean O'Farrell
Where the gathering is to be.
In the old spot by the river,
Right well known to you and me.
One more word for signal token,
Whistle up the marching tune.
With your pike upon your shoulder
By the Rising of the Moon.

By the Rising of the Moon,
By the Rising of the Moon,
With your pike upon your shoulder
By the Rising of the Moon.

Out of many a mud wall cabin
Eyes were watching thru' the night.
Many a manly heart was throbbing
For the coming morning light.
Murmers ran along the valley,
Like the banshee's lonely croon,
And a thousand pikes were flashing
By the Rising of the Moon.

By the Rising of the Moon,
By the Rising of the Moon,
And a thousand pikes were flashing
By the Rising of the Moon.

There beside the singing river
That dark mass of men were seen,
Far above their shining weapons hung
Their own beloved green.
Death to every foe and traitor,
Forward strike the marching tune,
And hurrah me boys for freedom,
Tis the Rising of the Moon.

Tis the Rising of the Moon,
Tis the Rising of the Moon,
And hurrah me boys for freedom,
Tis the Rising of the Moon.

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JI7 (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:08 AM
Response to Original message
2. i feel sick

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Ruby Romaine (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:08 AM
Response to Original message
3. is it true? or could MSNBC be lying?

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seraph (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:09 AM
Response to Reply #3
8. No, FOX AIR saying same thing.

I was flipping and stopped when I heard that.

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VolcanoJen (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:09 AM
Response to Reply #3
9. It's an unconfirmed report from the Associated Press.

Believe it. It's over, everyone.

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maddezmom (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:12 AM
Response to Reply #9

as I sit here, my daughter is asking my why I'm crying?? Hoe do you tell a 4 year old??

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VolcanoJen (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:12 AM
Response to Reply #3
25. NBC News has now confirmed that Kerry has conceded to Bush.

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seraph (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:09 AM
Response to Original message
4. At least your post stuck.

This really sucks.

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rndmprsn (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:09 AM
Response to Original message

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DoYouEverWonder (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:09 AM
Response to Original message
6. Good bye America
Edited on Wed Nov-03-04 11:09 AM by DoYouEverWonder


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bluedog (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:10 AM
Response to Reply #6
15. Land of the FREE?>


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Plain old Doug (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:19 AM
Response to Reply #6
65. "Hello Amerika"

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GRLMGC (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:09 AM
Response to Original message
7. fuck!

he said he'd count every vote! I know it was a long shot but still. We're so fucked! Kerry can go back to his wonderful life. We're all gonna have to deal w/ the consequences of this administration. Well, America, you've spoken. If I weren't affected by it I'd say you deserve all you get!

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BurtWorm (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:10 AM
Response to Original message
10. Well now we know why they were so generous with their communications

with us rank and filers since last night.

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deutsey (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:10 AM
Response to Original message
11. It's all over now, Baby Blue

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Ms.Victory (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:10 AM
Response to Original message
12. Damn!

They threw in the towel.

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Melinda (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:10 AM
Response to Original message
13. No retreat, no surrender?!?!

I can't fathom this and my heart can't take much more if its true.

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frogfromthenorth2 (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:10 AM
Response to Original message
14. He HAD to do that.....

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mac56 (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:12 AM
Response to Reply #14
22. You again?!

Of course he didn't "have to do that". He could have taken Edwards' advice and pursued it as zealously as the Repugs would were they in this position.

Are you enjoying yourself this morning?

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frogfromthenorth2 (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:13 AM
Response to Reply #22
31. Not at all SIR. I am not. As I said I am pissed off. But not at Bush or

is war cabinet but at the 58 million people who let your Country DOWN!

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lancdem (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:15 AM
Response to Reply #31
45. Agreed

The popular vote margin was just too big for Kerry to drag this out.

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frogfromthenorth2 (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:16 AM
Response to Reply #45
51. Thanks... for once a voice of reason!

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kegler14 (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:26 AM
Response to Reply #31
83. And I'm pissed off at a party

that can't find a candiate who can beat somebody as bad as Bush. I don't think any of the original primary candidates could have won. Is that the best we can do?

We also need to face the fact that a traditional Northeast liberal is not going to win. Kennedy was the last one and he barely slid through.

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Sugarbleus (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:35 AM
Response to Reply #31
102. Thats my beef also...

All of stand on the titanic while these dumbass bush supporters rearrange the freaking deck chairs and the band plays on.


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WI_DEM (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:11 AM
Response to Original message
16. so much for no surrender, no retreat

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Teaser (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:11 AM
Response to Original message
17. (If True..) Fuck you Kerry.

I trusted you to fight.

That's it. It's time to take over the Democratic Party.
We're a minority party, let's fight like one. We're the new Goldwaterites and this is our 1964.

It's time for a fresh start.

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Skinner (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:11 AM
Response to Original message
18. I'm so fucking disappointed.

This sucks. I think I'm going to be sick.

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Teaser (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:12 AM
Response to Reply #18
23. Just get mad.

Anger is power. Stay angry.
Angry at weak kneed Dems and corrupt Repugs.

Remake this party. Don't serve it.

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Sugarbleus (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:38 AM
Response to Reply #23
106. I happen to agree with that theory. Anger is power

I NEVER got so much done as when I was pissed off.

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phylla (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:11 AM
Response to Original message
19. no-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-!

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GreenPartyVoter (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:11 AM
Response to Original message
20. Where are our Thomas Jeffersons, George Washingtons, James Madisons

and Ben Franklins?!

Would Jesus love a liberal? You bet! /

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uncle ray (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:35 AM
Response to Reply #20
101. all dead in small plane crashes.

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Selwynn (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:11 AM
Response to Original message

....oh wait....

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Teaser (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:13 AM
Response to Reply #21
29. Worriers do suck still.

What did worrying get you?

Some ulcers and wasted time?

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Selwynn (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:21 AM
Response to Reply #29
72. No, it got me not-devastated on election day and kept me...

...altert and intelligently informed.

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GRLMGC (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:28 AM
Response to Reply #72
91. I know

you're right. I'm freaking puddle right now because i'm so scared. I really thought there would be change and there wasn't. I feel so helpless right now. I wish I had been like you.

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Bucky (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:15 AM
Response to Reply #21
41. Good one! Thanks for the smile

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VolcanoJen (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:12 AM
Response to Original message
24. I'm so sorry, everyone. I love you all so much.

Let's spend four more years together, and do this again in '08, ok?

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maddezmom (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:15 AM
Response to Reply #24
43. back at you Jen and all my fellow DUers

I was just thinking I found this site just about a year ago today. And it changed my life in someways. I'm sticking around for all the fights.

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VolcanoJen (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:18 AM
Response to Reply #43
64. Don't stop fighting!! Let's stick together, DUers!

We have found ourselves an oasis in a sea of madness here.

Let's keep it together, continue to love and support each other.

We fought the good fight. We played fair. We won't stop, and we'll be back.

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Sugarbleus (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:43 AM
Response to Reply #43
109. Me too. didn't find DU til this time last year...

I LOVE ALL OF YOU ...It's been a real education and on the PLUS side....I'm not alone in this...that would be too horrible to bear.

I'm willing to continue in DU if DU sees fit to keep the site going.

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Stevie D (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:17 AM
Response to Reply #24
53. I'll be here.


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ps1074 (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:18 AM
Response to Reply #24
57. I am worn out but I will try

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Kukesa (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:26 AM
Response to Reply #24
84. I love all of DU, too. You guys saved my life.

At my age I don't know if I'll see another election, and you sure made these last few months good ones for me.

I had that fire in my belly, that sparkle in my eye, that pride in my heart.

A group hug with all of you would be nice right now . . . but then, you'd see the tears streaming down my face.

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JPace (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:12 AM
Response to Original message
27. I'm numb......

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L.A.dweller (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:14 AM
Response to Reply #27
35. That;s how I felt last night.

Now tears are in my eyes. Kerry should have fought.

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Kerry212 (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:12 AM
Response to Original message
28. wait! check this out!

all battelground states have indicated that a full recount should take place. we can STILL win. hang in there. fuck the chimp!

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LongTomH (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:15 AM
Response to Reply #28
46. Link, please!

Please post a link!

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Z_I_Peevey (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:13 AM
Response to Original message
30. Good God

This is the end of America. Does no one in power believe in the Constitution?

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Neecy (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:13 AM
Response to Original message
32. before I go ballistic...

I want to hear his reasoning for this. I'll give him at least that courtesy.

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RobinA (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:15 AM
Response to Reply #32
47. His Reasoning

may be that he's a member of the reality-based community and can read the writing on the wall.

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frogfromthenorth2 (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:18 AM
Response to Reply #47
59. lol

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benito (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:13 AM
Response to Original message
33. Unfiltered on AAR

Is kinda pissed. I'm just as upset.

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hnsez (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:14 AM
Response to Original message
34. Just get mad.

Anger is power. Stay angry.
Angry at weak kneed Dems and corrupt Repugs.

Remake this party. Don't serve it.


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Kerry212 (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:15 AM
Response to Reply #34
42. exactly!!

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mdhunter (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:14 AM
Response to Original message
36. It's done. CNN just reportedit. 1:00 speech from Fanueil hall

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Algorem (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:14 AM
Response to Original message
37. did they use any skull and bones mumbo-jumbo?

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WI_DEM (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:14 AM
Response to Original message
38. Unbelieveable!!

Edwards just appeared on tv early this morning to say, "we pledged to you every vote would count..." well, what about those provisional votes? This is a waking nightmare we are living through.

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Tomee450 (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:14 AM
Response to Original message
39. I am so disgusted.

A repeat of Al Gore. I thought sure he would wait awhile, just to be certain that all votes are counted.

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Greylyn58 (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:15 AM
Response to Original message
40. Oh God...I'm Dying!!!


I can't breath!!!!

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makhno (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:15 AM
Response to Original message
44. Fuck this shit

What happened to counting all the votes? Challenging? What the fuck, Democrats, what the fuck?

You can't legitimize that bastard!

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LiberalManiacfromOC (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:15 AM
Response to Original message
48. I just heard....

But why?!

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Hephaistos (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:21 AM
Response to Reply #48
70. Not enough provisional ballots, maybe?

...or lack of balls

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Hephaistos (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:28 AM
Response to Reply #70
93. Likely less than 160k provisional ballots

according to the American Prospect blog:

Extremely slim chance of there being enough votes to make up the difference.

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Wilber_Stool (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:15 AM
Response to Original message
49. Why do we always back


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Wife_of_a_Wes_Freak (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:17 AM
Response to Reply #49
56. Trying not to be bitter, but...

Just this morning I said, "At least Kerry won't roll over and let Bush scratch his belly like Gore did."

Fuck I'm pissed at them!

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Politicub (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:16 AM
Response to Original message
50. Same shit different day

I thought Kerry would fight. I was wrong.

It's a sad day for America. The terrorists have won.

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MsUnderstood (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:18 AM
Response to Reply #50
62. The terrorists won? WTF?

Umm it was the american people who voted, not the terrorists. . .

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WillTheGoober (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:24 AM
Response to Reply #62
80. Yes ...

In order for the Islamic Fundamentalist agenda to continue they will require an America who will continue to abuse their base, will continue to suppress their people, and will continue to give them a reason to fight on. Bush is a good thing for terrorists; Bush is a fundamentalist himself and so we have an administration who is fighting on the terrorist's level.

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Dhalgren (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:28 AM
Response to Reply #62
88. But the Amerikan people voted for the real Terrorist - GWB...

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WillTheGoober (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:16 AM
Response to Original message
52. Sad Day.

Temporarily (Perhaps): I've lost faith in the young vote. I've lost faith in this country's ability to recognize truth -- I've lost faith in American democracy. I no longer identify with American "democracy." I no longer identify with the majority of Americans. I am proud that my state went overwhelmingly for the better guy and I'm glad that my state is part of the north-eastern brain of America. Still -- I feel like this country is on its way to falling. Terrorists need not attack us -- terrorists need not worry about destroying America; Americans will do that themselves it seems.

We may lose our judicial system for decades. We may lose our freedom in the name of preventing false threats. Saudi Arabia won an election today -- Osama Bin Laden & Fundamentalism itself won an election today. Unfortunately and unlike these winners -- the American people will ultimately lose.

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WarhammerTwo (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:47 AM
Response to Reply #52
113. Couldn't agree more...

I feel the same way, Goob. The exact same way. The only vindication I have is that my home of New Jersey also voted for the guy with the brains in his head (but no spine, apparently)rather than the guy with a bible up his butt. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRG!

When the Patriot Act gets expanded (as Bush has pledged) and we lose our civil rights, when women will be forced to forfeit their lives during labor, when gays will be chased with a broom back into the closet, when the war drags on too long and the draft comes about (the draft would've happened under Kerry too if he couldn't get us out of there), when everyone withdraws their money from social security and today's seniors are left scratching their asses, when the middle class is utterly destroyed and everyone is either rich or poor, I will scream at any Bush supporter who complains, "Are you happy now?!"

Then I will move to Canada.

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SheepyMcSheepster (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:17 AM
Response to Original message
54. fuck this

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Moonbeam_Starlight (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:17 AM
Response to Original message
55. WHY???? WHY?????

I can hardly see my monitor through angry tears. WHY?

I thought every vote deserved to be counted. I thought we'd fight. What the fuck happened to that?


Screw all the people who voted for bush. They are racist hateful homophobic bigots who don't have three brain cells to rub together. And if you are reading this and voted for bush, YES I DO mean you. You voted for hate. You voted for bigotry. You voted for fearmongering. You voted for total fiscal irresponsibility. You voted for illegal unjust immoral wars of choice, and that makes you a total fucking bastard.

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shance (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:19 AM
Response to Reply #55
67. Thats what I want to know. Why?


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Cornus (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:44 AM
Response to Reply #55
110. My thoughts exactly nt

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Soth (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:18 AM
Response to Original message
58. *plays Taps*

Bye America. I'm sorry I have to watch you be buried.

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Katarina (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:18 AM
Response to Original message
60. Good God

What the fuck happened? We put our hearts and soul out to this man and this is what we get? Where's the fucking fight? What about all the uncounted votes?
What about ALL OF US???? I'm disgusted.

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KoKo01 (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:26 AM
Response to Reply #60
81. What about Us....What about us.....eom

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neohippie (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:18 AM
Response to Original message
61. A divided house cannot stand

Now is the time to make sure that the Haliburton investigation and lies of this administration do not get forgotten. There certainly isn't any kind of clear mandate for Bush. The nation is obviously very divided over the mis-administration.

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WillTheGoober (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:21 AM
Response to Reply #61
74. God's President ...

Perhaps not a mandate for Bush in our eyes but Bush will see this as America supporting his policies, his war crimes, and his religious agenda. Bush will take this as God giving him the right to continue pushing for church & state -- for over-turning roe v. wade -- etc. etc.

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clintonlover (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:55 AM
Response to Reply #61
119. how can you say

he has no mandate?--he was re elected...He won... thats his mandate...

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nothingshocksmeanymore (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:18 AM
Response to Original message
63. I believed in this guy.

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scmirage (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:20 AM
Response to Reply #63
68. So next time can we run a candidate who might actually win?

Who'll run as a Democrat? Can we run a Howard Dean and not a compromise candidate--we can't win with them--if we've learned anything--it's that from the last two elections.

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GRLMGC (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:21 AM
Response to Reply #63
71. I did too

I really did.

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Wife_of_a_Wes_Freak (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:21 AM
Response to Reply #63
73. Me too... made myself accept him, then learned to believe in him.

After fighting so hard for Clark, I had to fight doubly hard to accept Kerry. I believed in him.

"Fight for every vote?" Maybe those guys waving the flip-flops at me WERE on to something after all.

Sorry - not a troll. Just an incredibly depressed girl.

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obreaslan (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:19 AM
Response to Original message


FIGHT GOD DAMNIT FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Winter1979 (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:20 AM
Response to Original message
69. He may be, but I'm not conceding

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deutsey (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:22 AM
Response to Original message
75. "No surrender" my ass

Maybe he had no alternative, but right now I'm so pissed at Kerry that I'll have to cool down a little before I understand this.

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hangemhigh (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:22 AM
Response to Original message
76. I am so pissed. Just wrote to kerry.

They owe us an explanation. Big time. Something is very wrong here.

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republicansareevil (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:22 AM
Response to Original message
77. I'll believe it when I see a link

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yellowcanine (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:24 AM
Response to Reply #77
79. Here - AP story.

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yellowcanine (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:23 AM
Response to Original message
78. Calm down people. The votes still get counted. Kerry had to do it.

Concessions don't stop the vote count. The vote cannot be certified in Ohio until all of the legal votes are counted. Kerry had no choice here. The numbers don't look likely - but in the unlikely event that he would end up carrying Ohio - he wins regardless of any concessions. He can then unconcede and claim victory.

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Dhalgren (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:35 AM
Response to Reply #78
103. Kerry did not "have to" concede.

He could have very calmly and in a smiling mood say that all of the votes and contested counting would have to be finalized before anyone conceded anything. No point in rushing this, do the work, count the votes, sort out the messes, then see what the results are. There is always time to concede anywhere down the line. It did not have to be done now.

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cubsfan forever (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:41 AM
Response to Reply #78
108. I believe John Kerry is trying to head off the violence and hatred

that would inevitably accompany contesting the election. Be Angy with the 51% of the people ignorant enough to follow the little Hitler.

Oh, and a note to all of those "Straight shootin', hard-workin', 'manly men' in Ohio and elsewhere who voted for the man who shipped off their jobs to other countries:

"Hungry? Eat your B/C sticker!"

Professor 2

"The antidote to ignorance is education; there is NO cure for stupidity."

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nodictators (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:26 AM
Response to Original message
82. Kerry sold us out -- Damn You, Kerry, you took my contributions under...

...False Pretenses!

BushCo stole Ohio and Florida and who knows what else.

Now, BushCo will come and steal our Social Security money and give to the rich as tax cuts.

Younger people better start saving to help support their parents in the old age. Older people better prepare for a much lower standard of living, and perhaps even homelessness.

The Nightmare Years will begin NOW!

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Monica_L (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:26 AM
Response to Original message
85. That's a kick in the guts I didn't see coming

Shock and bitter disappointment doesn't even come close to how I'm feeling.

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kayell (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:27 AM
Response to Original message

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BurgerMeister (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:27 AM
Response to Original message
87. GL


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cat_girl25 (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:28 AM
Response to Original message
89. Unbelievable!

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Neo (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:28 AM
Response to Original message
90. He just told 54,782,697 Americans

to give up and forget it

Democracy is dead
America is dead

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Godhumor (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:28 AM
Response to Original message
92. Well, now we pick up the pieces...

I think we need new blood in the party on both the public and behind-the-scenes level. I have decided to take a much more hands-on approach to politics within the next two years, as I am already looking at how to run for some local offices.

There can be no second honeymoon for Bush--we need to start hammering home that Republicans are in fairly complete control of the government, and they can not blame mistakes on anyone else. We need to be ready to step in early and show a viable choice for the voters in 2006 (here's hoping Dean takes over the DNC leadership) whenever republicans step on toes. Of course, I am discouraged by last night, but I am hoping this actually produces a rock-solid core that we can rebuild around and be ready to come out swinging every single time from here on out.

I am not giving up hope in this country of ours; I will not believe that people will watch it disappear without incident; I can not accept that a defeat today is the end of the world. Now is the time to show that we are true democrats, and that we will not roll over. Let a few heads in the DNC roll, get back to work, and accept this as a fact that our party needs to work harder. In less than 2 years we will be seen as the candle flickering in the dark.

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Dhalgren (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:48 AM
Response to Reply #92
114. What people are you talking about?

You "will not believe that people will watch it disappear without incident"? What kind of "incident" are you looking for? It is kind of like the old skit where the little guy says "just step over this line and I'll punch you out!" And the guy steps over the line and the little guy draws a second line and says, Ok, just step over this line." And on and on. This is no longer the country we all thought it was. We have killed over 100,000 citizens in Iraq over the past 18 months and the American people don't care. The Bush gang is stealing the US blind, right in front of our noses, and the American people don't care. The Bush gang is systematically removing all of our civil rights and the American people don't care. It doesn't really matter what the Democratic party looks like, if it doesn't reflect what the American people actually are - brutish, racist, conquerors who have no concern for human rights; wild-eyed religious fanatics who want to bring back stonings and burnings and slavery; plantation owners who want to breed the better work force. No, dividing the physical country into parts is our only hope - and that would take a real, bloody war to accomplish.

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Sugarbleus (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:29 AM
Response to Original message
94. Good God Almighty....he's CONCEDING...I had to come back on


I want my money back! I want the full year of my life working for and worrying about him BACK!

I just had to get up to respond to this...I had finally gone to lie down.........THEN THIS!

I'm speechless!!! No I"m not... I'm outraged by the fact that their camp didn't even bother to FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED! That is shitty.

Something hideous took place over night and they aren't going to find out what it was...WHAT A LET DOWN. How are we the every day struggling people going to MAKE it through this bush hell another four years? The poor are going to suffer big time; "Axis of Evil" countries will be invaded, more people will die.....we will be bankrupt

I'm angrier now than anytime in my entire life. Let me read your posts to see just how angry I should be.. Holy fucking cow

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Touchdown (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:30 AM
Response to Original message
95. Some "Closer"

I'm outta here! I can't live my life in a country like this.

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Marianne (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:30 AM
Response to Original message
96. Not watching anymore

I cannot reason why this happened in order to make sense out of it--there are at least ten different reasons I keep playing over in my head trying to come up with the "a hah" moment.

Truth is that it doesn't matter much at all what reason; Bush won. A majority of people in this country voted for his brand of fascism. They have sealed their/our fate.

What is left of the Democratic party is a pile of dead, spent ashes. I have no solution as to how it can be fixed. I have a nagging suspicion that not too many think it has to be fixed at all and will continue on playing games in Congress much to their egotistic delight.

I think it will take a very long time to return to the America I once knew.

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norml (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:31 AM
Response to Original message
97. Well,at least we will be able to make fun of the results of repub hegemony

They will try to continue to blame Bill Clinton,and 9/11 for the results of their policies,and we will be there to continue to make fun of them for it.

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mojavekid (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:33 AM
Response to Original message
98. Pick up the pieces and start over.

quiet now, angry later.

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WillTheGoober (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:33 AM
Response to Original message
99. Popular Vote

By all means Bush won an overwhelming popular vote. As a supporter of popular vote -- I understand why Kerry has to concede here.

The difference between Bush and Kerry is that Kerry has integrity and is the better guy.

Hold on tight -- stick together -- we need to pick ourselves up off the floor and grow stronger.

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pbl (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:34 AM
Response to Original message
100. You're looking at the reason the Democrats will keep losing


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Steelangel (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:35 AM
Response to Original message
104. WHAT? WHY?

Kerry still have good chance! America IS DOOMED for good. I wonder what happen to our freedom & rights from now? Fuck it.

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uppityperson (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:35 AM
Response to Original message
105. fuck

welcome back to the 1950's. Why concede before all the votes were counted. fuck. How do I break this to my 16 yr old and not disallusion him from politics forever.

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sloppyliberal (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:40 AM
Response to Original message
107. I don't understand how this can happen to America in 2004

Have we learnt nothing from history.
We can't give up, we just can't.

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ieoeja (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:45 AM
Response to Original message
111. Add to this their gains in the House and Senate.

Add to this their gains in the House and Senate for two elections in a row, and I have to say they finally have a mandate. I say the Democratic party should concentrate on rebuilding the party and building a propaganda arm to combat that of the Rightwing and let the Republicans govern as they see fit.

Let the Republicans give this country the fvcking it so desires. When the Rightwing nutjobs propose replacing the Income Tax with a 23% National Sales Tax, I say Dems should reply "the country gave you the mandate" and vote Aye. From that moment forward the largest tax paid by all Americans will be a Republican tax. The Republicans will henceforth be known as the tax-and-spend party. And, of course, with Republicans firmly in charge, it should prove impossible to blame the ensuing 50% inflation rate on Democrats as companies start passing on their extra 23% cost to the customer.

Okay, I realize that 50% inflation rate is probably low. If the manufacturer passes his 23% cost increase to the wholesaler, then the wholesaler will be paying 23% more for the product PLUS a 23% sales tax on the purchase of that product. So the wholesaler's cost has increased about 50% which will be passed on to the retailer who will also have to pay an additional 23% sales tax on that purchase. Which leaves the retailer's cost increase around 75% to be passed onto the consumer. This leaves the consumer paying a 23% sales tax on a product selling for 75% more.

Yeah. I like the idea of doubling the cost of everything. Should make people REAL happy with the Republican party.

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bklyncowgirl (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:47 AM
Response to Original message
112. Here we go again.

We take the high ground for the "good of the country".

Since when did the Bush cabal do anything "for the good of the country".

We are fighting against terrorists, theives and revolutionaries here. This is a game where if you play by the rules you lose!

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Kerry in 04 (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:52 AM
Response to Original message



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makhno (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:54 AM
Response to Reply #116
117. I hear you

"Give us money so we can betray you" isn't going to fly anymore, methinks.

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air napkin (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:54 AM
Response to Original message
118. W...what?

I'm numb all over and crying as I type this...all our work to depose that crooked SOB in the White House has been for nothing. We've failed again to try and make America see the truth.

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46 posted on 11/03/2004 8:58:58 AM PST by Maceman (Too nuanced for a bumper sticker)
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To: Maceman; arasina; fortunecookie

Check out Maceman's post: a kaleidoscope of human emotions.

68 posted on 11/03/2004 9:06:31 AM PST by Petronski (Kerry cannot have lost....the Redskins won on Sunday!)
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To: Maceman

Ay Yiiii Yiiiii!!!!!

Send over a team of psychiatrists STAT!!!

71 posted on 11/03/2004 9:07:55 AM PST by OwnershipSociety
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To: Maceman
In case you missed it, the forum name on DU has been changed from "Campaign 2004" to "Fighting and Acrimony"


74 posted on 11/03/2004 9:09:04 AM PST by Charlotte Corday (I don't burn the flag because I can. I will burn the flag if I can't.)
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To: Maceman
I'm numb all over and crying as I type this...all our work to depose that crooked SOB in the White House has been for nothing. We've failed again to try and make America see the truth.

76 posted on 11/03/2004 9:11:04 AM PST by Brett66 (Dan Rather, the most busted man in America.)
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To: Maceman
Screw all the people who voted for bush. They are racist hateful homophobic bigots who don't have three brain cells to rub together. And if you are reading this and voted for bush, YES I DO mean you. You voted for hate. You voted for bigotry. You voted for fearmongering. You voted for total fiscal irresponsibility. You voted for illegal unjust immoral wars of choice, and that makes you a total f**king bastard.

This one made my day! (As if it could get any better)

79 posted on 11/03/2004 9:12:59 AM PST by OSHA (It's a WAR not a wedge issue. They are AMERICAN SOLDIERS not petty pawns.)
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To: Maceman

oh dear lord what a glorious day

82 posted on 11/03/2004 9:14:16 AM PST by hapy
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To: Maceman

thank you! sniff sniff.....I love the smell of losers whining in the morning....

99 posted on 11/03/2004 9:27:06 AM PST by Awestruck (The artist formerly known as Goodie D)
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To: Maceman

Thank you, thank you. Last night I had to bartend for the Colorado Dem 'victory' party. 7 hours of CNN cheerleading. The hard left implosion is making me very happy. Alot of the Dems asked if I had voted and for whom. I told them and it only affected the tips of a few. I restrained my joy when they announced Ohio, because I am a good winner. If Salazar had not won, it would've been over by 10 MST. Felt good to all the Repub bartenders, plus I won a hundo from a bet I made in Feb. He is an Arab, I'll never see the money, because 'Muslims don't bet.' A Welsh Muslim, that will be worth more than the money in months to come.

104 posted on 11/03/2004 9:34:02 AM PST by xone
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To: Maceman



Wait until this guy tallies how much of his lunch money he has given to Michael Moore, and the DNC (who doled out his hard earned cash to millionaire political hack Bob Shrum). Yes, Bob and Michael will be living it up on the money of the true believers.

118 posted on 11/03/2004 9:51:40 AM PST by orangelobster
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To: Maceman
Holy cow!

...women will be forced to forfeit their lives during labor...democracy is dead...Amerikkka is dead...I'm outta here...the nightmare time begins now!

Don't forget Grandma will be raped and thrown in the street, the rich will eat your children, earthquakes and volcanoes, internment camps, non-organic food...

138 posted on 11/03/2004 10:44:57 AM PST by Sender (*F*O*U*R*M*O*R*E*Y*E*A*R*S*!!!)
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To: Maceman
I had to scroll down before reading this to say thank you for this! Oh happy day!
144 posted on 11/03/2004 11:12:34 AM PST by airborne (God answers all prayers. Sometimes the answer is ,"No".)
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To: Maceman

From the bottom of my heart, thank-you for posting the DUer's own words for all the world to see.

155 posted on 11/03/2004 3:50:39 PM PST by Rebelbase (Indiscriminate reprisals strengthen the terrorists. Targeted ones weaken them. Aim is everything.)
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To: Maceman
Thank you for the DU ramblings, Maceman!

I can hardly see my monitor through angry tears.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (*catching breath*)


158 posted on 11/03/2004 4:29:48 PM PST by MrJingles (This tagline is brought to you by Motorola...)
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To: Maceman

Thanks. The most entertaining read I've had tonight. I laughed until I cried.

162 posted on 11/03/2004 4:40:57 PM PST by KillTime (Bush's secret weapon: Ta-Ra-Za)
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To: Maceman

Wow. Thank you for providing this insight into their reaction. Incredible.

165 posted on 11/04/2004 6:02:06 AM PST by bd476
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To: Maceman
This one is special:

Wife_of_a_Wes_Freak (xxx posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:17 AM Response to Reply #49

56. "Trying not to be bitter, but... Just this morning I said, 'At least Kerry won't roll
over and let Bush scratch his belly like Gore did.'

F#$% I'm pissed at them!"

166 posted on 11/04/2004 6:14:15 AM PST by bd476
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