I am very happy and pleased by W's victory! But here are a few of the things that still bother me:
1) Our borders are still wide open !!!
2) 48% of the US voted for a slimy, dishonorable lazy liar who said anything to get elected; the US came close to electing our first "Comrade President"!!!
3) The Repubs still have not developed a backbone in dealing with the demonrats in Congress
4) The RNC needs to start NOW in developing a field of conservative candidates for President/VP for 2008
5) The MSM needs to be continually ignored with increased use of the Internet for reaching out and educating the 48%
6) W must develop a viable plan to stablize Iraq and maintain a resonable level of forces in Iraq after the elections in Jan
7) The US is still a member of the UN and the UN is still in the US
I could not agree more with your opinions on what still needs to be addressed. Most of all, the open border problem and the UN creeps in our country. A war on terror with open borders is just nonsense. It is inviting trouble.