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Some attempts to sabotage Catholic voters
RenewAmerica ^ | October 29, 2004 | Barbara Kralis

Posted on 10/29/2004 11:02:02 AM PDT by St. Johann Tetzel

Some attempts to sabotage Catholic voters

Barbara Kralis

Barbara Kralis
October 29, 2004

The Catholic Church possesses the fullness of truth, the complete moral teachings of our age. We thank God for the Magisterium of the Church, for the solemn teaching office of our Pope John Paul II and the Popes before him, and the 'ordinary magisterium' or the Bishops in communion with him.

Yet, attempts by Church leaders are made every day to sabotage these teachings. Let us look at a number of recent damages:

On August 20, 2004, La Crosse diocese Attorney James G. Birnbaum wrote a letter to diocesan pastors and administrators, advising the pro-life Catholic Answers' 'Voter's Guide for Serious Catholics' was "too narrow to pass legal muster." Attorney Birnbaum, a lector at the diocese's Cathedral, advised the diocese not to allow the voter's guide on parish grounds because it violated tax laws.

Shortly thereafter, documentation was revealed showing this 'Catholic' diocesan attorney personally donated thousands of dollars to various pro-abortion Democrat Party candidates since 1997 until June 2004. [1]

It was reported that Birnbaum donated $6,000 over the past four years to pro-abortion Democrat Congressman Ron Kind, whom the abortion group NARAL reports has l00 percent anti-life voting record.[2]

Why was this attorney, who financially supports legislators who promote procured abortion, allowed to issue a Catholic diocesan legal opinion that prohibited the distribution of an authentically Catholic voter guide? [3] CWN has reported Birnbaum has recused himself of issuing further tax information to the diocese...but, he will remain as the diocese's attorney on other matters. [4]

Attorney Birnbaum's actions surely raise questions concerning a personal conflict of interests and distortion of Catholic teachings for political gain. His directive has caused Priests in the diocese to believe they should not be telling their congregations what kind of people they should or should not vote for.

It is important to note that La Crosse's former Bishop, Archbishop Raymond Burke, has mandated full distribution of "The Voters Guide for Serious Catholics" for the year 2004 in his new diocese of St. Louis.

Father Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life, recently discussed the issue of dioceses and their attorneys misinterpreting tax laws. Pavone suggested the following in his October 28 article, "Distorted Citizenship:"

"Unfortunately, the Church has been fed for decades with legal advice which is far more restrictive of the Church's freedom than the IRS or the FEC has ever been. And this is wrong. Not only are the IRS/FEC restrictions on the Church minimal, but the enforcement policy is even looser. No Church has ever lost its tax exemption by teaching about abortion, or the primacy of the right to life, or the duty of public officials and voters to advance the Culture of Life by voting. No Church has ever lost its tax exemption for doing what it exists to do, namely, convey the teachings of the Church. No Church has ever lost its tax exemption for distributing materials that did not cover a wide-enough range of issues; in fact, no Church has lost its tax exemption for distributing voter guides, period." [5]

Adding to the obfuscation of truth, the Catholic organization 'Pax Christi USA' is placing ads that speak against infallible magisterial teachings of the Church. Targeting Catholic diocesan newspapers in three states, their ads read: "Catholic voters should not make abortion a single-issue litmus test for candidates."

The Diocese of Pittsburgh's Director of Communications, Robert Lockwood, says the diocese allows the Pax Christi ads because they do not oppose the teachings of the Church [6] ...and because "Financially, it's been a great assistance to our apostolate." [7]

Here is more disturbing news. Most recently, the Cardinal Newman Society completed a list of Catholic university employee donations [of $250 or more] to the Bush and Kerry campaigns, as reported to the FEC. The non-partisan study examines ten of the largest Catholic universities. It was revealed that more than 90.24% of the so-called 'Catholic' university employee gifts went to the Kerry campaign, totaling $196,025. The Bush campaign received just 9.75% of total donations, or $21,200. Moreover, a whopping 59.65% of Kerry's donations came from 'Catholic' Georgetown University alone, or $116,915. [8]

Catholic parents, be mindful of what your kiddos are being taught at these so-called Catholic institutions. Alumni, remember this corruption when your alma mater asks you for donations. It would be better to donate your money elsewhere.

Another attempt of Church leaders to sabotage Catholic voters can be found within the worldwide 'Catholic' organization of the Maryknoll Society of religious priests, including the Maryknoll Congregation of nuns, and the Maryknoll Mission Association of lay missionaries. Maryknoll is mailing worldwide their 4,000 words 'Election Guide.' Entitled "Impact on Peace, Social Justice and the Integrity of Creation," the voter guide emphases sixteen social issues such as 'hunger and food,' 'water,' 'biotechnology,' 'U.S. unilateralism.'

Stunningly, not one single word mentions the most preeminent of all human rights, 'the right to life of the unborn.' Not one word, of the 4,000 words, mentioned 'abortion,' 'euthanasia,' 'embryonic stem cell research,' 'cloning,' nor 'sodomy.'

Another example of obfuscation can always be found with the well-known dissident priest, Father Richard McBrien, Chairman of the Theology Department at the Catholic University of Notre Dame. Appearing in his clerical collar on Fox News Channel Wednesday, October 13, 2004, McBrien told millions of viewers that they could vote for someone like a pro-abortion John Kerry. McBrien clarified his theological confusion:

"The American Catholic Bishops as a body do not follow the approach that's been taken by the archbishops of Denver, St. Louis and Newark and some other Bishops of smaller diocese...[Cardinal Ratzinger] said if someone votes for a candidate for other reasons, well, taking other issues into account as the American Catholic Bishops say they should, we should put everything in a consistent ethic-of- life framework, they said, then it would not be a sin to vote for... the teachings of our Bishops [is] that we have to follow a 'consistent ethic of life.' The proportionate reasons would involve taking other life issues in account... The proportionate reasons would be that you're looking at a candidate and trying to see what that candidate's views and policies are on a broad range of life issues...[the Bishops] have never said that [abortion trumps the other issues]. They have never said that...this is not a card game...there's no trump card." [9]

McBrien is a priest of the diocese of Hartford, CT, was one of the original dissenters/signers of Fr. Charles Curran's Statement of Dissent against the Pope's 'Humanæ Vitæ.'

McBrien's dangerous book 'Catholicism' [condemned by the U.S. Bishops in l996] [10] clothed in dissent contains heretical teachings from Fathers Schillebeeckx and Hans Küng. Why has Father McBrien's Hartford Bishop not silenced him nor removed him from teaching errors and ambiguities for too many years to our Catholic youth?

Here is another Bishop who supports the excellent 'Voter's Guide for Serious Catholics," Bishop Olmsted of the Diocese of Phoenix. His spokesman, Mary Jo West, told this writer Bishop Olmsted is fully allowing the Catholic Answers guides to be distributed in diocesan parishes. Emphasizing the importance of Catholic voters to be fully informed of the Church's teaching, Bishop Olmsted recently said:

"The Catholic Church is actively engaged in a wide variety of important public policy issues.... We should do our best to be informed and to support those proposed solutions that seem most likely to be effective. However, when it comes to direct attacks on innocent human life, being right on all the other issues can never justify a wrong choice on this most serious matter."

However, just 117 miles away from Phoenix, in Tucson, AZ, Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas' office told this writer this week they will not allow the "Voter's Guide for Serious Catholics" to be used in their diocese. Instead, Bishop Kicanas is promoting the confusing "Faithful Citizenship" guidelines.

Bishop Kicanas held two public meetings recently to explain how Catholic social teaching applies to Catholic voters. "It's not a sin to vote for a pro-abortion candidate if it's because you are supporting that candidate for a wide range of reasons." Oh, by the way, Bishop Kicanas is Chairman of the USCCB Communications Committee. [11]

San Bernardino's diocesan Director of Office of Social Concerns issued on October 6, 2004 a diocesan directive saying that parishes are to only use material derived from the confusing USCCB's voter guide "Faithful Citizenship."

In an interview with Culture and Cosmos, the Director of the Family Life Office of the Arlington, Virginia diocese said of 'Faithful Citizenship:'

"'Faithful Citizenship' equates abortion with debt relief. They are not equal." [12]

Archbishop Harry Flynn of the Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis forbids the Catholic Answers' "Voter's Guide for Serious Catholics." A phone call to the Archdiocesan office revealed that Flynn allows only the USCCB voter guide, "Faithful Citizenship."

It was reported by CWN the diocese's reason for banning the excellent guide, in favor of the confusing USCCB guide, was they: "felt the document was too one-sided...You can only read the document and come to one conclusion," said Dennis McGrath, Director of Communications for the Archdiocese.

The Culture of Life Foundation and Catholic World News reports that "Faithful Citizenship has been criticized even within the Church for placing the paramount issue of abortion on the same moral plane with lesser issues like promoting 'social justice' and 'global solidarity.'" [13]

Unfortunately, this is the status quo in most Catholic dioceses in the U.S.

The laity not only should, but also must, discuss problems of disobedience, errors, and heresy with their pastors and bishops. In fact, Pope Leo XIII declared, "When circumstances make it necessary, it is not prelates alone who have to watch over the integrity of the faith." In addition, the "Dogmatic Constitution on the Church" [Lumen Gentium n.37], "Apostolicam Actuositatem" [Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity n.2] and The Code of Canon Law n. 212 teach that laity have not only the responsibility but the duty to openly reveal to their bishops their needs and desires fitting for children of God. [14] In addition, the laity are permitted and even obliged to express their opinion on things that concern the good of the Church.

The Catholic Church's social teachings on the human condition are vast and complete. However, faithful Catholics may legitimately disagree on different points of view and on how to implement these social teachings. One can never disagree on the teachings regarding the right to life of the unborn, the disabled, and the elderly. [15]

"One can never approve of abortion; but it is above all necessary to combat its causes. This includes political action" Pope Paul VI [16]

Pope Pius XI, in his more relevant than ever landmark encyclical, warns (this will give you goose bumps):

"Those who hold the reins of government should not forget that it is the duty of public defend the lives of the innocent...among whom we must mention in the first place infants hidden in the mother's womb. And, if the public not defend them, but by their laws and ordinances betray them to death at the hands of doctors and others, let them remember that God is the Judge and Avenger of innocent blood which cries from earth to heaven" (Casti Connubii n.67).

Only by a return to the order established by God in all our social structures, including obedience to God and His divinely ordained Roman Pontiff, by all public servants, could the way to true peace and true justice in this world be attained. Everything else is a false peace, a false justice. Disobedience by Church leaders to Church teachings contributes to the disorder which rules creation that once subject to Divine Order.

Abortion will not end until the work of the Church is consistent and faithful to the most preeminent of all human rights — the right to life of the unborn.


  1. For contribution information on Attorney Birnbaum for the year 2004, go to here:

    For contribution information on Attorney Birnbaum for the year 2002 and 2001, go to here:

    For contribution information on Attorney Birnbaum for the year 2000, go to here:

  2. Cf. "The Forum: Why dioceses ban the Voter's Guide," by Tom Szyszkiewicz, Catholic World News, 10/28/04.

  3. Cf. 'Culture of Life Foundation and Institute,' "Pro-Abortion Lawyer Advises Catholic Diocese Against Using Pro-Life Voting Guide."; also, Catholic World News,

  4. "Diocesan Lawyer steps aside after CWN story," 10/28/04,

  5. "Distorted Citizenship," by Fr. Frank Pavone,

  6. Hello?

  7. "Pax Christi ad prompts counter ads in Pittsburgh Catholic,", Associated Press, 10/27/04; cf. Pittsburg Post-Gazette:

  8. For the complete list of Catholic university employee donations to the Bush and Kerry campaigns, click on these links:

  9. For a transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," 10/13/04, go to:

  10. Cf. "Review of Fr. McBrien's 'Catholicism' by the NCCB's Committee on Doctrine,"

    Cf. "Internet Question Box," by James Akin, l997:

  11. Arizona Daily Star, 9/29/04, "Bishops split on advising Catholics in voting booth," by Dean Knuth.

  12. 'Culture & Cosmos: Volume 2, N. 11, October 19, 2004, "Catholic Diocesan Lawyers Continue to Ban Voting Guides"; Cf. 'Culture of Life Foundation/Catholic World' coverage, 10/20/04, "Diocesan Lawyers Continue to Ban Voting Guides."

  13. "Diocesan lawyers continue to ban voting guides," by Culture of Life Foundation/, 10/20/04, Washington, D.C.

  14. Code of Canon Law #212.3: ("Wilson & Lafleur Itée edition l993") "Christ's faithful have the right, indeed at times the duty, in keeping with their knowledge, competence and position, to manifest to the sacred Pastors their views on matters which concern the good of the Church. They have the right also to make their views known to others of Christ's faithful, but in doing so they must always respect the integrity of faith and morals, show due reverence to the Pastors and take into account both the common good and the dignity of individuals."

    Footnote to 212.3: "The right of free speech and public opinion within the Church is acknowledged."

    Footnote to 212 "This deals with the obligation to obey the sacred pastors in their exercise of the dual powers of governing and teaching, to be conscious of one's own responsibility means that obedience must not be given simply because it is demanded, but because what is ordered is other words, when what is ordered is lawful, it must be obeyed to what the sacred Pastors, who represent Christ, declare as teachers of the faith and prescribe as rulers of the Church."

  15. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 'Doctrinal Note on some questions regarding the Participation of Catholics in Political Life," n. 6; Pope John Paul II, Apostolic Exhortation 'Christifideles laici,' n.59; Pope Paul VI 'Apostolicam Actuositatem,' n.4.

  16. Pope Paul VI along with 'The Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith' promulgated "Declaration on Procured Abortion," November 18, 1974, Roma.

Barbara Kralis, the article's author, writes for various Christian and conservative publications. She is a regular columnist at, Catholic, The Wanderer newspaper, New Oxford Review Magazine, Washington Dispatch, MichNews, Catholic Citizens of Illinois, Phil Brennan's WOW, ChronWatch, etc. Her first journalism position was with Boston Herald Traveler, 1964. Barbara published/edited 'Semper Fidelis' Catholic print newsletter. She and her husband, Mitch, live in the great State of Texas, and co-direct the Jesus Through Mary Catholic Foundation.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: kralis; leftisthate; politicalterror

1 posted on 10/29/2004 11:02:04 AM PDT by St. Johann Tetzel
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To: St. Johann Tetzel; latae sententiae; nonsumdignus; sevry; AAABEST; bornacatholic; sinkspur; ...

The Socialist/Liberals cry seperation of church and state.

What they really mean is seperation of morals from the mind. Seperation of Man from God, Seperation of children from their families.

As a Sede Vecante with the "STENCH" of Incense from the Benediction, The Novous Ordo is constantly stepping in it, even in the big piles. No matter how they twist, they are caught by the TRUTH in the Laws of GOD.

It's Hilarious to see them struggle and try to twist the truth and meanings of the words. Their own languages turn against them. The Latin and French languages are the most flexiable with it gender base, and inflections to be corrupted into the Socialist propaganda. But even this flexability cannot totally escape the Laws and meanings of the Laws of God!!

I'm certainly happy to have known and practice the Holy Roman Catholic Religion before V2. It's all I know or need to know because in the end God will Prevail!

2 posted on 10/29/2004 11:56:57 AM PDT by 26lemoncharlie (Defending America)
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To: 26lemoncharlie
As a Sede Vecante with the "STENCH" of Incense from the Benediction, The Novous Ordo is constantly stepping in it, even in the big piles.
CCC 2105 The duty of offering God genuine worship concerns man both individually and socially. This is "the traditional Catholic teaching on the moral duty of individuals and societies toward the true religion and the one Church of Christ."30 By constantly evangelizing men, the Church works toward enabling them "to infuse the Christian spirit into the mentality and mores, laws and structures of the communities in which [they] live."31 The social duty of Christians is to respect and awaken in each man the love of the true and the good. It requires them to make known the worship of the one true religion which subsists in the Catholic and apostolic Church.32 Christians are called to be the light of the world. Thus, the Church shows forth the kingship of Christ over all creation and in particular over human societies.33
30 DH 1 § 3.
31 AA 13 § 1.
32 Cf. DH 1.
33 Cf. AA 13; Leo XIII, Immortale Dei 3,17; Pius XI, Quas primas 8,20.

The Latin and French languages are the most flexiable with it gender base, and inflections to be corrupted into the Socialist propaganda.

What the heck are you talking about? Do you know Latin?

3 posted on 10/29/2004 1:53:50 PM PDT by gbcdoj
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To: St. Johann Tetzel; NYer

Bumping for the implosion of Pax Christi, Inc -- what a nefarious crowd of evildoers.

4 posted on 10/29/2004 3:56:06 PM PDT by Siobhan (Pray without ceasing.)
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To: St. Johann Tetzel; Akron Al; Alberta's Child; Andrew65; AniGrrl; Antoninus; ...


5 posted on 10/29/2004 9:15:03 PM PDT by Land of the Irish
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To: gbcdoj

Whats wrong with latin!!!!!??????????????

6 posted on 10/29/2004 9:20:55 PM PDT by CouncilofTrent (Quo Primum...)
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To: CouncilofTrent
Whats wrong with latin

Nothing - and that's why I don't understand why charlie's claiming the language of the Church is especially conductive to Socialism.

7 posted on 10/29/2004 9:32:32 PM PDT by gbcdoj
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Election Day and Christian Responsibility

The elections of 2004 are a critical juncture for the future and direction of our nation.

This year voters will either defend the Culture of Life, or advance the culture of death.  As Christians, we have a clear and moral obligation to register to vote and to carefully consider the candidates' position on the sanctity of LIFE when we cast our vote.

Christians are called to vote with a PROPERLY FORMED CONSCIENCE. This can be explained with one sentence from our LORD, which applies, even inside the voting booth, “Whatsoever you do to the least of these my brethren, you do to Me” (Mt.25:40).  From The Gospel of Life: “Abortion and euthanasia are crimes, which no human law can claim to legitimize.  In the case of an intrinsically unjust law, such as a law permitting abortion or euthanasia, it is therefore never licit to obey it, or to `take part in a propaganda campaign in favor of such a law, or vote for it'.”

What about the other issues?  "Calls to advance human rights are an illusion if the right to life itself is subject to attack." Faithful Citizenship. A powerful consideration from Fr. Frank Pavone, "If a candidate can't respect the life of a little baby, how is he supposed to respect ours?" From A Brief Catechism for Catholic Voters: “A disqualifying issue is one which is of such gravity and importance that it allows for no political maneuvering. It is an issue that strikes at the heart of the human person and is non-negotiable. A disqualifying issue is one of such enormity that by itself renders a candidate for office unacceptable regardless of his position on other matters.” FIVE such disqualifying issues are Abortion, Euthanasia, Fetal Stem Cell Research, Human Cloning, and “homosexual marriage”.

Participation in the political process is a virtue, and every vote counts. Christians have every right to strive by legitimate means to shape public policy according to their moral convictions.  We are each, individually, called to help build a Culture of Life-voting in defense of LIFE is among the most important ways.

Children waiting to be born cannot speak for themselves-we are their voice. We must speak up in their defense at the voting booth. If we do not, millions more will never be allowed to speak.

This map has 17.5 states blacked out.  The population of these states is equal to the number of “legal” surgical abortions since 1973.  Perhaps this visual perspective helps one to grasp the number 44,000,000-that's 44 MILLION PEOPLE who are gone, dead--robbed of their God given Constitutional right to LIFE.
Help end this tragedy, promote registering and VOTING PRO-LIFE.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797)

Kevin Jeanfreau
Louisiana Director
Knights for Life
Ed Jeanfreau
Louisiana Chairman
Knights for Life

Please Copy and Distribute widely
Download this document and others related at:


8 posted on 10/29/2004 9:34:16 PM PDT by (Birth is one day in the life of a person who is already nine months old.)
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To: St. Johann Tetzel

No attempt to sabotage, merely inform.

9 posted on 10/29/2004 9:36:51 PM PDT by Salvation (†With God all things are possible.†)
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To: St. Johann Tetzel
President Bush: Shares Our Catholic Values

President Bush and John Kerry: On the Issues Important to Catholics

"Seismic" Catholic Shift to Bush [Insight ]

Catholics for Bush

Analyst cites abortion stance as some Catholic voters shift to Bush

Poll: Catholics Trending Towards Bush

Kerry Losing Ground Among White Catholics

Voting Our Conscience, Not Our Religion [Catholic Prof Says "Vote Kerry"]

Vatican: Kerry guilty of heresy; incurrs automatic excommunication

Should a Catholic Vote for Bush or Kerry?

Why is Bush getting the bishop's blessing?

Ambassador Ray Flynn in Cleveland 10/16/2004- "Vote 2004: The Catholic Factor"

John Kerry Flip-Flops on When to Use His Catholic Belief on Politics

Abortion is Turning Democrats Off to Kerry

Planned Parenthood Unveils TV Ads Backing John Kerry on Abortion

Spiritual Windsurfer [Kerry]

Kerry’s Auxiliary Bishops

The army of God marching for Bush

The Catholics for Bush website is now live!

America at the Crossroads

(Clinton Apointee Raymond)Flynn: Catholics must vote for culture of life

Priest: It's a sin to vote pro-choice

Some attempts to sabotage Catholic voters

10 posted on 10/29/2004 9:38:30 PM PDT by Salvation (†With God all things are possible.†)
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To: St. Johann Tetzel

Pax Christi basically owns the Worcester Diocesian Newspaper, Catholic Free Press.

11 posted on 10/30/2004 1:28:14 AM PDT by Pio
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To: Pio
We're in better shape here in Philly than some of these more unfortunate dioceses. The CA voters guide went in most parishes and Rigali's statement is going in this weekend. Unfortunately, it's a little long and I fear some folks won't read it. Here are some of the most important lines from it:

...Catholic citizens must directly oppose the promotion of laws that sanction these threats to the very foundation of society. With his or her vote, each Catholic chooses whether or not to contribute to the common good by safeguarding the innocent and most vulnerable. All actions that enable direct attacks upon innocent human life and the family deserve absolute rejection...

He also mentions the non-negotiables for Catholics. It really is a good letter. It's just too darned long to have much impact on Catholics who might be thinking of voting for Kerry.

12 posted on 10/30/2004 11:27:21 AM PDT by old and tired
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To: 26lemoncharlie
Funny thing about separation of Church and State. All the limits seem to be running in one direction. A churchman may not say in the pulpit "Vote this way" without risking a heavy tax penalty imposed by the State. Yet a church has no recourse when the State weighs in on a moral question, ie abortion, same sex marriage. A politician can say what he thinks people "should" do on all sorts of things such as how to treat Muslims after 9-11 and can even call religious groups hateful names but the politician uses the power of the State to punish Churches.
13 posted on 10/31/2004 12:08:39 PM PST by Mark in the Old South
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To: St. Johann Tetzel


14 posted on 11/01/2004 10:56:12 AM PST by Salvation (†With God all things are possible.†)
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