To: dandelion; Jeremiah Jr
By the dark of the Lunar Eclipse with the final score of THREE - his number with the Yankees! Now, if we can just find the meaning of the number "86"...
43 x 2
83 posted on
10/27/2004 8:56:57 PM PDT by
Thinkin' Gal
(Arafat is a slug. Pass the salt.)
To: Thinkin' Gal
86 = 43 x 2 = PERFECT - I LOVE IT!!!
To: Thinkin' Gal
Okay, I'm sorry I'm so ignorant but - what's the meaning of 43? Is that the number of scoreless innings the Babe pitched for the Sox??
193 posted on
10/27/2004 9:27:25 PM PDT by
To: Thinkin' Gal
200 posted on
10/27/2004 9:30:11 PM PDT by
(Never Forget - And Never Again)
To: Thinkin' Gal
Now, if we can just find the meaning of the number "86"...
43 x 2Just PERFECT!!
293 posted on
10/28/2004 8:12:41 AM PDT by
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