so far, but we are in count down days...if Kerry keeps saying this INTO TV cameras, it looks like Pres Bush is running from it....since HE is not calling Kerry a liar...and adding that CBS and The NYTIMES are part of it.. it CANT HURT and it SURE CAN HELP ...
the bush campaign needs to come out NOW and refute the ny times and cbs. if they just let this go, im holding bush accountable. hes the voice for us and its time for him to speak up and fight back over this smut.
President Bush refused to comment on the ANG story, too. I love Pres Bush but when he does the no comment thing, it makes him look guilty as hell to people.
Agree -- when is the President going to respond to these lies?? At the very least he should give it prominent mention in his stump speeches. Why is he not doing so? (Not that the MSM would report it any way).