All this really is is a false hope. They HOPE that 5% of the young voters that make up this demographic are telling you what, of that 5%, about 50% is actually more conservative....
I only use cell phone.. This is such a bizarre thing to cling to. I doubt the numbers are all that terribly different from the last election.
Don't hold your breath Kerry.
I live in a little town, not a lot of political activism, or even much interest until recently here. I've been working down at our local Republican headquarters for the last week... and have been astounded and very pleased at the number of high school kids and young adults that not only support President Bush and despise Kerry; A LOT of them are coming in to actually volunteer: they are working the phones, passing out flyers, offering to whatever they can to help.
Also getting a lot of help from a rather surprising source: The Apache Reservation right outside of town; Normally apolitical or Democrat, many of them oppose Kerry vigorously, and a surprising number just LOVE President Bush and are working their tails off to convince their other tribal members to get out and vote to re-elect "Dubya"
Oh, and I'm a VWRC / cell phone only guy too.
I cut my land-line in 2000. I'm exclusively using a cell. A lot of guys I know and work with have done the same, and we're all Bush-backers, so I wouldn't count on it.
If a significantly large number of "young voters" use cell phones and, therefore, cannot be polled, then how do the pollsters definitively conclude that Kerry has a substantial lead among this demographic. Either they are being polled or they are not being polled.
The cell phone thing strikes me as absurd.
This really is a false hope and another (yawn) stereotype. Two of my daughters have only cell phones. Neither are registered to vote, and neither can stand Kerry!
if so, we can all go back to sleep.
Ditto. No home phone. Four cell phones in my home. Husband and I, son, daughter, all members of the VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY AND PROUD PRESIDENT BUSH SUPPORTERS in South Florida. We have already voted.