..."Some of the peasants are very nice family people. I'm sure for them their country is a hell"...
In absolute terms, yep. But if you think in relative terms, not necessarily. They grew up there...that's all they know...that's how the world is.
On the other hand, they come here and it's like Disneyland on a free pass. I understand that....but it's still not my problem.
Mexico's problems stem from a problem with the Mexican people. Call them stereotypes...but they come from an origin of truth. Reminds me of a massive overgrown rat nest, eating it's young...and spreading disease to it's neighbors. We've got enough stupid people here already...we don't need the bottom of the barrel from Mexico thinning out the progress gene.
Yeah, there are exceptions. . .but those people understand the system and are assimilating instead of perpetuating this aztlan cr@P.
Nice or not, they shouldn't be here. They can be nice in Mexico. See what you made me do....? Now I need another Heineken.
I think there should be no amnesty, and that applications from around the world should be more even and not mostly to Mexicans with little or no skills.