What they are actually doing is not a revolution. That has positive connotations to most Americans. What they are doing is a perversion.
Main Entry: 1per·vert
Pronunciation: p&r-'v&rt
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French pervertir, from Latin pervertere to overturn, corrupt, pervert, from per- thoroughly + vertere to turn -- more at PER-, WORTH
1 a : to cause to turn aside or away from what is good or true or morally right : CORRUPT b : to cause to turn aside or away from what is generally done or accepted : MISDIRECT
2 a : to divert to a wrong end or purpose : MISUSE b : to twist the meaning or sense of : MISINTERPRET
synonym see DEBASE
- per·vert·er noun
Info bump.
You are so right. Sometimes I think I am living a nightmare. How could all of this have happened? Judges should not be making the laws in this country.