So you change it every year or two.
A new ID technology every year or two? What would that cost in time and money? Will the technology advance fast enough to allow this, or do we form a National ID Research Center to develop it? How many bureaucrats would be needed just to issue the new IDs every year?
You also think the CIA are the keystone cops. Am I right?
You are wrong and how does the CIA become involved in a domestic ID program?
So basically you would support the ACLU, you know the Communists who would deem a National ID card to be a violation of your civil rights?
For that matter, shouldn't the Census should also be a violation of our civil rights as well as having a Social Security card? Maybe the SS doesn't really mean Social Security if you get my drift Herr Scott? /sarcasm off
Let me ask you comrade, do you have a social security card? You don't mind showing it on a job application? To prove you are an American and so you can get paid and have taxes taken out by the IRS? Or do you leave it blank and say that it is a violation of your civil rights?
If you or anyone hasn't noticed yet, I am mocking this debate because so far all anyone has come up with are petty leftist excuses as to why a National ID card shouldn't be implemented, when your lives are already in a national database which is called the IRS.
Our lives are being taken away. But not by the IRS, but by massive fraud by elitist socialists whose sole purpose is to convert this country into a utopian society, governed from the UN. And people are drinking the Koolaid and smiling because they do not see the deception.
My point was that a National ID card or a voter registration card based on a Social Security card will either eliminate or drastically reduce such mundane things like dead people and dogs voting for socialists. When you eliminate this you also get a truer picture on what this country really looks like. Activist judges will fall by the wayside, inner cities will start to grow from the ashes because peoples votes will count again, radical groups will diminsh as people get to understand what has been taken from them.
If the government wanted to monitor your every movement, it wouldn't be that difficult. If the government wanted to take away your civil liberties, it would have done so already. We fight every day to preserve our rights. A Republican administration sees to it that we keep our individual freedoms. A card doesn't take away our freedom. What it takes away is the Liberals primary method of stealing elections so that they can force their form of society on us. That is probably the real reason why the ACLU would fight it, under the guise of civil liberties.
IMHO anarchy is around the corner. What we are seeing this election by the left is a last ditch effort to wrest society away from Americans and once again start on the path to governance by elitist socialists. If Kerry wins, there is one thing that will tell you that we are on the brink. That will be the war over our second amendment rights. Take away our right to defend ourselves and you take away our rights, period.
Oh, and for the record, I take offense to being called comrade.