Oh my . . . this is getting to be funny. This is gonna be good. The gop obviously knows that this is a psychological hot-button of Kerry's, they're needling him, and he's taking the bait yet again. You'd think he'd know better, but he can't help himself. Looks like we're gonna go back to this buffonery, fighting Vietnam all over again, and look for Kerry's poll numbers to start dropping.
That and the fact that because he doesn't have any 'brags' to qualify as a statesman, or even a senator, he can only say what he's going to do as president -- not what he's done to qualify for the job. And what he's going to do is all contained in his secret plan portfolio which noboby has seen.
Meanwhile he can only punch out at Bush. He's adept at turning every question he is asked about his 'plans' into a rant about what Bush has done or not done.
What a loser. America cannot afford another pretender.