I owe you one, for the other day. I felt bad about that.
Kerry's anti-Catholic behavior goes beyond his participation in pre-birth murder. Being that he's unmarried and not in a state of grace, when he takes communion he's committing a grave sin. He also publicly receives "communion" in non-Cathlolc churches. Not only is he not ashamed of this, he flaunts it by setting up photo-ops for the event.
He should be ex-commed, but unfortunately it will never happen. Of those who would be responsible for doing so, too many are either worldly cowards or worse, sympathetic to his anti-Christ world view.
Thank you, AB. I heard the sincerity in your voice the other day and took no offense.
There is absolutely nothing preventing us from being online friends who share faith in Jesus Christ.
Your answer about Kerry was concise and to the point. Thanks. You say there's no way he'll be excommed.