The butler better get out the crying towel if the Swifties give him another kick this week.
Manny Ortiz and the rest of the Sox won't be able to help him even if they come back from last night.
1 posted on
10/13/2004 3:39:11 AM PDT by
To: ninonitti
I hopt the Swifties are saving their best for last. I just sent them another $200.
2 posted on
10/13/2004 3:42:30 AM PDT by
To: ninonitti
The new plan is to blame George Bush for killing him. George Bush Killed Superman -- Edwards
To: ninonitti
Actually it was his close procximity to Kerryptonite that killed 'Superman'
To: ninonitti
.....Teresa Heinz, who rides around on a Gulfstream jet that sucks down 430 gallons of jet fuel an hour, denounces the ``greed of oil.'' Please. Oh, Please! Keep talking airhead.
7 posted on
10/13/2004 4:41:11 AM PDT by
(This Tagline for sale. (Presented by TagLines R US))
To: ninonitti
There are times where I'm amazed that Kerry is still even in the race...
Those times are called EVERY FREAKIN' DAY!!!
Way to go, Howie! Keep it coming!
9 posted on
10/13/2004 5:12:34 AM PDT by
(Save Nantucket - Vote Republican!!!)
To: ninonitti; mowowie
Besides, ever since the Swift Boat Vets for Truth, Vietnam just isn't the automatic applause line it used to be. Friday night, Kerry almost forgot to mention it at all, I noticed that -- and sadly, for it was such fun to snicker over!
For Howie Carr fans (and hunters), see also: SPORTSMAN JOHN (Kerry's tall tales).
10 posted on
10/13/2004 6:04:11 AM PDT by
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